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- ''Archives That Matter'' (2019)
- Acland-Troyte 1888
- Adams and Barker 1993
- Adler 2019
- Aers 2000
- Aers 2004
- Aers and Kress 1981
- African/Black figures in books
- Agamben 2009
- Ahnert et al 2020
- Alexander 2010
- Allen 2010
- Althusser 2001
- Amussen and Seeff 1998
- Anatomical Flapbooks
- Andersen and Pold 2011
- Anderson and Sauer 2002
- Anselment 1978
- Aquinas, Summa Theologica
- Areopagitica Archaeology
- Armstrong and Tennenhouse 1992
- Arnar 2011
- Arthur 1995
- Atherton and Sanders 2006
- Auerbach 1980
- Augustine, Confessions
- BABEL 2015
- Bacon, Novum Organum
- Badiou 2000
- Bahr 2013
- Baird 1967
- Baker 2009
- Bal 2008
- Ball 1996
- Barad 2007
- Barber 1994
- Barbour 2001
- Bardle 2012
- Barker 2002
- Barness and Papaelias 2015
- Baron et al. 2007
- Becoming Plant
- Bedford, Davis and Kelly 2006
- Beilin 1987
- Belanger 1977
- Bender and Marrinan 2010
- Benjamin 1999
- Benjamin 2019
- Bennett 2010
- Berger and Maguire 1998
- Berry 2012
- Best and Marcus 2009
- Bibliographic Imaginaries
- Bindley 1887
- Black and Hoare 2008
- Blackmon 2009
- Bloch 2017
- Bloom 2001
- Blouin and Rosenberg 2007
- Blum 1997
- Blum 2012
- Bode 2012
- Bode 2017
- Bode 2018
- Bodman and Sowden 2010
- Bogost and Montfort 2009
- Bolam 1973
- Book History (Fall 2010)
- Books of Scraps
- Bordalejo and Risam 2019
- Bornstein and Williams 1993
- Bouk 2022
- Bourdieu 2002
- Bowers 1949
- Boyle 2003
- Braidotti 2006
- Bratton 2015
- Bray 1982
- Brayman Hackel 2005
- Brayman Lander and Lesser 2016
- Bredbeck 1991
- Briet 1951
- Brooke 1992
- Brooks 2004
- Brown 1996
- Bruce 2005
- Burke and Gibson 2004
- Burke et al. 2000
- Burton 2005
- Bush 1945
- Cable 1995
- Cahn 1987
- Callaghan 2000
- Campt 2017
- Canguilhem 2008
- Carlino 1999
- Carlton 1987
- Casson 2001
- Caswell
- Cavendish 1666
- Cavort et al. 1996
- Cazort et al. 1996
- Charles 1977
- Charles Babbage
- Chartier 1994
- Chartier 1995
- Chedgzoy 2001
- Chen 2020
- Christian 2004
- Chun 2011
- Chun 2021
- Clarke 1997
- Clarke 2001
- Cockburn 1983
- Cohen, Matt 2009
- Cohen 2009
- Colclough 2007
- Coles 2008
- Colligan and Linley 2011
- Colvin 1997
- Computers and Writing 2011
- Coover 1992
- Cop 2016
- Cope 1992
- Cope and Phillips 2006
- Coppola 2008
- Cottegnies and Weitz 2003
- Coulter 1935
- Crawford 2014
- Cressy 2010
- Crymble 2021
- Cultures of Collecting
- Cultures of the Book
- Cut/Copy/Paste: Remixing Words (Spring 2011)
- Cut/Copy/Paste: Remixing Words (Spring 2012)
- D'Ignazio and Klein 2020
- D'Monte and Pohl 2000
- DH 2016
- Da Rold 2020
- Dane 1998
- Dane 2013
- Darlow and Moule 1903
- Darnton 2002
- Daston and Park 1998
- Davidson 2004
- De Grazia 1991
- De Grazia 2010
- De Vinne 1901
- Decolonial Book History
- Deegan and Sutherland 2009
- Dekoninck et al. 2012
- Deleuze 1990
- Deleuze 1993
- Deleuze and Guattari 1986
- Deleuze and Guattari 1988
- Descriptive Bibliography, RBS (July 2010)
- Di Bello 2007
- Digby 1963
- Digital Book History
- Digital Editing
- Digital Editing and Curation
- Digital Humanities graduate seminar
- Digital Lives of Books
- Digital Narratives
- Digital Textual Weirdness
- Dimmock and Hadfield 2009
- Dinshaw 2012
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
- Dobranksi 2005
- Dobranski 2005
- Drabinski 2013
- Driscoll and Pierazzo 2016
- Drucker 2014
- Drumbeat 2010
- Duffy 2005
- Duguid 2006
- Dunne and Raby 2013
- Dyck 2003
- Dyck 2008
- Early botany books
- Early computing devices
- Echard 2008
- Echoes of the Little Gidding Harmonies
- Eckhardt 2009
- Eckhardt and Smith 2014
- Edward Benlowes
- Edward Benlowes & Book Art
- Egan 2010
- Egan 2010b
- Eggert 2009
- Eisenstein 1983
- Eisenstein 2011
- Ellinghausen 2008
- Emblematica, Vol. 17
- Emerson 2014
- Epic and the Elegy: 18th-century Literature (Spring 2011)
- Epstein 1998
- Erickson and Hulse 2000
- Erne 2013
- Essinger 2004
- Euripides, Suppliant Women
- Eve 2019
- Ezell 1999
- FHI Graduate Digital Scholarship Initiative
- Facsimiles
- Fagone 2017
- Federico 2009
- Feerick 2010
- Fella 1592
- Feminist Book History
- Ferguson 1999
- Ferguson 2003
- Ferguson and Nyquist 1988
- Feroli 2006
- Findlen 1994
- Fish 2001
- Fitzpatrick 2011
- Fleetwood 2020
- Fleming 2001
- Fletcher 1893
- Flusser 2011
- Flusser 2013
- Flusser and Bec 2012
- Folger Orientation to Research Methods and Agendas (June 2020)
- Foot 1998
- Foster 2000
- Foucault 1970
- Fournier 1996
- Fowler 2017
- Fraistat and Loizeaux 2006
- Francis Quarles
- Fraser 2008
- Freedberg 2002
- Friedberg 2006
- From Type to .txt
- Frost Fair printing
- Frye 2010
- Frye and Robertson 1999
- Fulton 2010
- Fumerton 1991
- Gabrys 2013
- Galey 2012
- Galey 2014
- Gallagher 1988
- Galloway 2012
- Galloway and Thacker 2007
- Garrett 2003
- Garvey 2012
- Gaskell 1972
- Gassendi
- Gaudio 2013
- Gavin 2016
- Genette 1997
- Gephi workshop (Duke, February 2014)
- Gilbert and Gubar 1979
- Ginzburg 1980
- Gitelman 1999
- Gitelman 2006
- Gitelman 2014
- Glissant 1997
- Global printing
- Goldberg 1992
- Goldberg 1994
- Grafton 1980
- Grants
- Green and Stallybrass 2006
- Greene 2022
- Greetham 1994
- Greetham 1999
- Greg 1932
- Grew 1682
- Grew 1701
- Grew 1982
- Griffiths 1998
- Grosz 2004
- Gubar 1981
- Guldi and Armitage 2014
- Gumbrecht and Marrinan 2003
- Habib 2008
- Haigh and Ceruzzi 2021
- Hall 2016
- Hallock et al. 2008
- Hamilton et al. 2002
- Hamling and Richardson 2010
- Hannay 2010
- Haraway 1986
- Haraway 1994
- Harkness 2007
- Harpold 2009
- Harris 2009
- Hartman 2019
- Hayles 2012
- Hayles 2021
- Heale 2003
- Heide 2009
- Henderson 1982
- Heraclitus, Fragments
- Herman Hollerith
- Highmore 1651
- Hill 1993
- Hills 1988
- Hindman and Rowe 2001
- Hobbes, Dialogus physicus
- Hobbes, Leviathan
- Homer, Iliad
- Hong 2020
- Hookman 2014
- Hookway 2014
- Hsu 2022
- Hu 2015
- Huhtamo and Parikka 2011
- Hull 1982
- Humfrey Wanley
- Humphrey Moseley
- Hunter 1982
- Hunter 1995
- Hunter 2010
- Hunter 2013
- Hurley and Goodblatt 2009
- Hutson 1994
- Hämäläinen 2022
- Illich 1974
- Illustration Processes to 1900 (July 2013)
- Ingram 2006
- Introduction to Digital Sound Design (Coursera, February 2013)
- Isabella Whitney
- Iyengar 2002
- Jackson 2001
- Jackson 2005
- Jacquard loom woven book
- James I, Meditation Upon the Lord's Prayer (1619)
- Jockers 2013
- John Bagford
- Johns 1998
- Johns 2009
- Johnson 2009
- Johnson 2014
- Johnson and Parker 2009
- Johnston and Van Dussen 2015
- Jones 1975
- Jones 1990
- Jones 2013
- Jones and Stallybrass 2000
- Joseph Marie Jacquard and his loom
- Kalas 2000