Carlton 1987

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Carlton, Charles. Archbishop William Laud. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.

"Laud's published scholarship was scanty enough." (20)

  • Latin poem, Justa Oxoniensium (1612), mourning death of Prince Henry
  • Latin poem about Thames merging with Rhine, celebrating wedding of Elizabeth
  • only one book dedicated him as President of St John's (Alexander Ross, Liber Quartus, 1612)
  • was satirized as member of Gotham College, for fools; later Laud carefully annotated the satire to answer its jibes (20)

most enjoyed beautifying the chapel as president of St John's (20)

sermon before King James, 19 June 1621, emphasizing mutual relationship of Church and commonwealth (26)

group of Arminians around oxford; Lindsell, Jackson, Cosin, Lang, Juxton, Newall, etc. (27)

"They may be defined in ideological terms as Arminian,s not so much beause they accepted the teachings of Arminius as because they were united in their opposition to the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination, which prompted one of their enemies to describe them as 'a schismatical crew of upstart reformers. but they were united by far more than an intellectual concensus" -- they were friends; became known as Durham House group (27)

helped James draft the Directions to the Church; emphasizing basing all sermons on 1562 Articles of Religion or official Book of Homilies, children being taught catechism, priests teaching obedience to crown and established church (26)

a Relation of the Conference between W. Laud and Mr Fisher, the Jesuite -- core of his theology; debated the Catholic Fisher in an attempt to keep Buckingham's mother from converting to Catholicism

28 September 1634, Charles gave him a printed copy of English Book of Common Prayer with annotated suggestions and alterations (157)

Laud gave St John's "a concordance of Foxe's Book of Martyrs, which had been finely bound by Nicholas Ferrar's Anglican community at Little Gidding" (176)

sermon in the Chapel Royal in Witehall, stating King gets his power from God, and parliaments/people from the King (53); "The king is the sun. He draws up som vapours, some support, some supply from us. It is true; he must do so. For if the sun draws no vapours it can pour down no rain."

September 1626 injunctions, drafted by Laud, saying "Church and State are so nearly united together that they may seem to be two bodies, yet in some relations they may be accounted but as one in as much as they are both mae up of the same men which are differenced only in relation to Spiritual and civil ends." (63)

Robert Sibthorp's February 1627 speech, telling the judges that king's can do whatever they like (63) -- angered people; Charles invited him to give a sermon at court; sermon appeared under title 'apostolic Obedience (64); other sermons preaching complete obedience to the king, printed with king's permission: Religion and Allegiance (64)

Laud "in 1632 ... tried to reform the system of censorship by ordering the Stationers' Company too stamp his imprimatur on all books printed in London. Even though the Stationers complied, these restrictions failed to prevent the appearance of seditious works." (71)

Laud preached 27 March 1631, 6th anniversary of Charles's accession (84)

conviction that "if the church as a building was in good condition, it must also be in good repair as a spiritual institution" (94)

issue of altar placement: Laud insisted it be in the east, above the people; not in the middle of the church at floor level, where it could be used for all sorts of things; "Laud believed that 'the altar is the greatest place of God's residence of earth, greater than the pulpit'." (96)

Laud's four main policies: 1) enhance Church of England's economic position; "reduce outside interference in the church's affairs"; 3) "use and improve the church's administrative machinery"; 4) "educate a cadre of dedicated disciples who would carry on his good work after he was gone" (99)

"no state paper has survived in which Laud placed the need to maintain political unity before achieving his goals" (109)