Global printing

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printing in Asia


1610 English book with note in Japanese ink:


East/West encounters, described by Jonathan Spence in his NEH talk "“When Minds Met: China and the West in the Seventeenth Century”

  • discusses Shen Fuzong, letter of introduction from Thomas Hyde to Robert Boyle
    • Hyde was working on a history of chess, wanted Shen's help with it, and also with cataloguing Chinese books in Bodleian
  • translated volume of Confucius's sayings, to be published by Daniel Horthemels in Paris; Shen was going to insert relevant Chinese characters but funding ran out (numbers still visible in printed volume)
  • John Webb, 1660s, book describing Chinese characters as universal pre-Adamic language
  • "a flurry of books appeared in the late 1680s, extolling the complexity and efficiency of China’s government, and finding the roots of its success in a patriarchal system linked to Confucian antecedents"