Computers and Writing 2011
May 19-22, 2011, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
"Digital Poetry, Coding Publics," by Jim Brown [1]
"Circulating Musics: Forging Publics through Digital Ecologies," by Bryon Hawk [2]
"CCC in Motion: Twenty Terms Over Twenty Years," by Derek Mueller [3] [4]
Parlor Press: [7]
CCDP, "The Scholar Electric" [8]
Writing Spaces: [9]
"Gaming the Classroom," by Anastasia Salter [10]
"The Techno-Humanist Interaction," by Virginia Kuhn [11]
Mentioned / Link collecting
Humanities 2.0: A Digital Humanities Manifesto [12]
"technological unconscious," Nigel Thrift [13]
The Unbook: [14]
punctum books: [15]
"Tokens and Taboos: Making Books Open Access," by Barbara Fister [16]
Video: "Re-imagining the Academy," by Mark C. Taylor [17]
"What is Digital Humanities and What's it Doing in English Departments?", by Matthew Kirschenbaum [18]