Isabella Whitney

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Amussen, Susan D. and Adele Seeff (eds). Attending to Early Modern Women. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1998.
Bedford, Ronald, Lloyd Davis and Philippa Kelly, eds. Early Modern Autobiography: Theories, Genres, Practices. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006.
Beilin, Elaine V. Redeeming Eve: Women Writers of the English Renaissance. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.
Burke, Mary E., Jane Donawerth, Linda L. Dove, and Karen Nelson. Women, Writing, and the Reproduction of Culture in Tudor and Stuart Britain. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000.
Clarke, Danielle. The Politics of Early Modern Women's Writing. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2001.
Ellinghausen, Laurie. Labor and Writing in Early Modern England, 1567-1667. Burlington: Ashgate, 2008.
Emblematica, Vol. 17
Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey. Troping the Body: Gender, Etiquette, and Performance. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000.
Frye, Susan and Karen Robertson, eds. Maids and Mistresses, cousins and Queens: Women's Alliances in Early Modern England. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Heale, Elizabeth. Autobiography and Authorship in Renaissance Verse: Chronicles of the Self. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Hutson, Lorna. The Usurer's Daughter: Male Friendship and Fictions of Women in Sixteenth-Century England. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Ingram, Jill Phillips. Idioms of Self-Interest: Credit, Identity, and Property in English Renaissance Literature. New York: Routledge, 2006.
Jones, Ann Rosalind. The Currency of Eros: Women's Love Lyric, 1540-1620. Bloomington: University of Illinois Press, 1990.
Klein, Lisa. "Your Humble Handmaid: Elizabethan Gifts of Needlework." Renaissance Quarterly 50.2 (Summer 1997): 459-493.
Lange, Ann Margaret. Writing the Way Out: Inheritance and Appropriation in Aemilia lanyer, Isabella Whitney, Mary (Sidney) Herbert and Mary Wroth. New York: Peter Lang, 2011.
Laroche, Reecca. Medical Authority and Englishwomen's Herbal Texts, 1550-1650. Burlington: Ashgate, 2009.
Malay, Jessica L. Textual Construction of Space in the Writing of Renaissance Women. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
McGrath, Lynette. Subjectivity and Women's Poetry in Early Modern England. Burlington: Ashgate, 2002.
Schleiner, Louise. Tudor and Stuart Women Writers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Skura, Meredith Anne. Tudor Autobiography: Listening for Inwardness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008.
Summers, Claude J. and Ted-Larry Pebworth, eds. Representing Women in Renaissance England. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1997.


A divine herbal --

images of flowers cut from book; used as slip patterns?

Printed Miscellanies (Notes)

Hugh Plat, The floures of philosophie (1572)

dedication to Lady Anne Countess of Warwick

from the first sentence, presents it as giving a gift (of rich colors and materials)

but it would bankrupt him; so "I do here offer unto your Ladiship, a smal handeful or two, of loose flowers, to be disposed at your discretion, either in garlands to weare on your head, or else in nosgaies to beare in breest about you. I know they will be more sweete for smel, than seemely for sight, and more holesome for the harte, than pleasaunte for the bodie, and yet they are such as our bodies neede not to be ashamed of, seeing our soules are so glad to receiue them." <-- explicitly makes them material

slips "were once most carefully planted in Rome by Seneca, so now I with some paines haue remoued them here into Englande, where I doe not doubte, but that these sweete slips being deepely set in the fruteful soile of your noble hart, wil soone take roote and bring forth fruite in great aboundaunce, to your immortal praise and glorie that doth it"

carry the flowers to ward against "noysome smell of vice"

prefatory poem -- focusing strictly on metaphor of garden; even talks about it as a garden in which women could walk -- possibly a few printing metaphors; "Grudge not to spend a little quoyne, in buying of the same"

end of prefatory poem; "OF A LITTLE TAKE / A LITTLE."

followed by index to different topics

sayings are numbered; last number for sayings is 883

followed by "The Pleasures of Poetrie"

poems mostly on classical themes

"A mery dialogue betwixte Iohn and Ione, striuing who shall weare the Breeches."

  • only poem that is slightly related to gender relationships; woman complains about needing new clothes
  • mentions Adam and Eve; part of querelles des femmes

right after this poem, "A dozen of points sent by a Gentlewoman to hir louer for a New yeres gift."

  • looking for a New Years' gift for her lover; all of the toys seem silly of insignificant until she comes to Dame Vertue's booth
  • "I founde a knot of peerelesse pointes / Beset with posies neate:"
  • "With these twelue vertuous pointes, / See thou doe tye thee rounde ... Yet one point thou doste lacke / To tye thy hose before"

followed by short poem "In commendation of Patience"; then "To E. W. in praise of hir marriage, with certaine precepts of Matrimonie" 8 talking about the woman in the third person?

last poem: "For whom this booke was made especially, and whom the Authour excepteth from reading it."

  • first lines also hint at embroidery: "Now that I haue my garden trimm'd / and deckte in freshly dye, / And all my bedes are set with floures / moste pleasant to the eye:"
  • directed at a female patron, but uses the male third person; "Of euery thing I grante him some / that in my grounde doth growe: / And him I giue free leaue likewise, whome hope of gaine dothe bring, / To choose & take such wholsome hearbs, / as in my garden spring:" -- all others are caterpillars and worms (phallic symbols?)

manuscript colophon?

Gascoigne, A Hundreth sundrie flowers (1573)

"The content of this Booke."

  • first four items purport to not be by Gascoigne; all others except last two are "Gascoines ___" etc.
  • separate title pages show that even these are "englished" or "digested" by Gascoigne

"The Printer to the Reader."

  • describes it as his fault that the poems got printed
  • mentions the industrious bee, sucking honey out of the flowers; versus the spider. i.e. it's up to the reader to make meaning
  • "And thus muche I haue thought good to say in excuse of some fauours, which may perchance smell vnpleasantly to some noses, in some part of this poeticall poesie."

first comedie is by Ariosto, "Englished by George Gascoygne"

second item is Iocasta, a tragedy by Euripides, "translated and digested into Acte by George Gascoygne, and Francis Kinwelmershe"

  • end of each act mentions the translator; are some not mentioned on the title page? e.g. "Yeluerton"
  • end reads "Printed by Henrie Bynneman / for Richarde Smith."

third item has preface, "H. W. to the Reader"; but seems to be a preface for the whole work? mentions "A hundreth sundrie Flowers" -- "In which poeticall posie are setforth manie trifling fantasies, humorall passions, and straunge affects of a Louer."

letters written in different voices, with different typefaces

verse about a man's adventures with women