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(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 17:02, 20 January 2025 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Mullaney 2017 (Created page with "Mullaney, Thomas S. ''The Chinese Typewriter: A History.'' MIT Press, 2017. Mullaney - The Chinese Typewriter A History Introduction: There is No Alphabet Here There was a Chinese dao to match the Greek logos, one that functioned according to a two-part organizational system well known in China. In the first of these, Chinese characters are ordered according to the number of pen- or brushstrokes needed to compose them, an organizational scheme that had been a mainstay...")
- 19:25, 6 January 2025 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Haigh and Ceruzzi 2021 (Created page with "Haigh and Ceruzzi, ''A New History of Modern Computing'' (2021) == Becoming Universal: Introducing a New History of Computing == The wholesale shift of video and music reproduction to digital technologies likewise challenges us to integrate media history into the long his- tory of computing. Since the original book was written, the computer had become something new, which meant that the book also had to become something n… Yet this discussion is rarely grounded in...")
- 01:59, 17 December 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Schorb 2014 (Created page with "Schorb, Reading Prisoners Interested in how literate practices show up in relation to prisons, e.g. gallows and confession literature, prison libraries, prisoner education and transformation. Library histories have claimed that education has always been entangled with prisons from their earliest days but this is not true. Wines and Dwight – 225-232 – reporting on secular instruction, literacy instruction, and rise of libraries in prisons (qtd in Schorb 131) See 13...")
- 01:59, 17 December 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Sweeney 2010 (Created page with "Sweeney, Megan. ''Reading is My Window: Books and the Art of Reading in Women’s Prisons.'' Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010. "explores how some women prisoners use the limited reading materials available to them in creative and important ways: to come to terms with their pasts, to negotiate their present experiences, and to reach toward different futures."")
- 18:57, 20 June 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Otis 2024 (Created page with "Otis, Jessica Marie. ''By the Numbers: Numeracy, Religion, and the Quantitative Transformation of Early Modern England.'' Oxford: Oxford UP, 2024. Introduction—“Number, Weight and Measure”: Numeracy in Early Modern England This transformation in numerical practices was complex and wide-ranging in its impact on early modern society and thought. In part, it was a transfor- mation in symbolic systems—the culturally agreed upon symbols and syntax used to represent...")
- 15:04, 17 June 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Coulter 1935 (Created page with "Coulter MA thesis on prison journals Begins with poem — Ralph Chaplin, “Night in the Cell-House” “Material on the subject of prison journals is very limited — confined mostly to magazine articles, the Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the National Prison Association, writings of ex-convicts, and the prison journals themselves.” — so also sent out a questionnaire to 266 institutions Managed to receive info for 258 institutions Low level of education...")
- 14:33, 17 June 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Fleetwood 2020 (Created page with "Fleetwood, Nicole R. ''Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration.'' Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2020. What I learned is that art in prison is a practice of survival, an aesthetic journey that documents time in captivity, a mode of connecting with others, but it does not resolve the injustices rooted in the carceral system. Page 23 This book focuses on the art and aesthetic experiments of people imprisoned in the massive labyrinth of domestic jails an...")
- 20:43, 12 June 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Cockburn 1983 (Created page with "Cockburn, Cynthia. ''Brothers: Male Dominance and Technological Change.'' Pluto Press, 1983. marxist approaches to labor of compositors can't account for the gender dynamics within the industry apprenticeship in a chapel for a set number of years, male rituals after industrialization: "Womena nd children, who had characteristically worked and earned within a family context, were increasingly drawn into employment in factories and mines. Here they came under the contro...")
- 14:49, 23 May 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Joseph Marie Jacquard and his loom (Created page with "Jacquard punched cards in the collection at Thomas Jefferson University: * *")
- 19:03, 22 May 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Fagone 2017 (Created page with "Fagone, Jason. ''The Woman Who Smashed Codes.'' 2017. Riverbank Laboratories, a bizarre institution now abandoned, a place that helped create the modern NSA but which the NSA knew little about. Elizebeth and her future husband, William Friedman, had lived there when they were young, between 1916 and 1920, when they discovered a series of techniques and patterns that changed cryptology forever. Elizebeth later wrote that seeing the Folio gave her the same feeling “tha...")
- 18:26, 22 May 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Lupton 2018 (Created page with "Lupton, Christina. ''Reading and the Marking of Time in the Eighteenth Century.'' Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018. == Introduction: When Do We Read? == Our days are flooded with small texts that contract and expand to fit the minutes we choose to give them. But when do we read books, those texts whose heft seems more plaintively than ever an appeal to reading’s duration? 1 I do not believe that the minutes crowded by messages, HBO series, and childc...")
- 14:30, 22 May 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Lupton 2012 (Created page with "Lupton, ''Knowing Books'' (2012) == Prologue == Almost immediately, I was struck by the ways much of this literature was self-reflexive in its own terms, not just about representation, but about the material, economic, and colonial contexts of textual production. Could imperialist and elitist l ture that announced its ideological operations be held responsible for them in the same way as literature that conducted them more by stealth? Were commercially produced texts...")
- 15:25, 5 April 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Mechanical typesetting (Created page with "== Melissa Score, "Interred in Printing House Vaults: Pianotype Composing Machines of the 1840s," ''Victorian Periodicals Review'' 49.4 (Winter 2016): 578-597. == …the pianotype composing machine is not just a footnote in the inevitable rise of Linotype technology but an artefact that interro- gates preconceived ideas of the compositor’s role and raises the question of why, in the 1840s and 1850s, the mechanization of typesetting was inspired by the workings of the...")
- 15:19, 5 April 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Player piano (Created page with "see Ord-Hume, ''Pianola'' (1984)")
- 15:16, 5 April 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Telegraphy (Created page with "Colligan and Linley 2011 -- Ivan Raykoff chapter on piano interface in early telegraphs, typewriters, and player pianos Kieve 1973 -- British history of the telegraph")
- 15:15, 5 April 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Typewriters (Created page with "Greene 2022 -- chapter on Typewriters Colligan and Linley 2011 -- Ivan Raykoff chapter on piano interface in early telegraphs, typewriters, and player pianos")
- 15:13, 5 April 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Greene 2022 (Created page with "== 43. Typewriter == As a matter of fact, the first known patent for such a machine was granted by Queen Anne on January 7, 1714, to an inventor named Henry Mill. The 1714 p ent straightforwardly described the work of the “artificial machine,” but no record exists of the machine ever being built by Henry Mill. Later attempts at such a machine were made in Italy and other countries using harpsichord keyboards, which became known as “literary pianos.” Some of th...")
- 15:07, 5 April 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Colligan and Linley 2011 (Created page with "Colligan, Colette and Margaret Linley, eds. Media, Technology, and Literature in the Nineteenth Century: Image, Sound, Touch. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate Pub. Company, 2011. == intro == … media machines, but in tandem with unprecedented increases in literacy rates, enlargement of urban spaces and imperial networks, and expansion of industrialization and commodity exchange, the nineteenth century experienced the emergence of media ubiquity. after a century of innovative...")
- 20:16, 19 February 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Owen's cipher wheel and Baconians (Created page with "Bacon cipher collection NYPL * Some has been digitized: Finding aid: == Delia Bacon, The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded (1857) == “'It was a time when authors, who treated of a scientific politics and of a scientific ethics internally connected with it, naturally preferred this more philosophic, symbolic method of indicating their c...")
- 15:23, 2 February 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page From Type to .txt (Created page with "Jacquard loom woven book Joseph Marie Jacquard and his loom Charles Babbage Herman Hollerith Early computing devices Punched cards Lithography Facsimiles")
- 18:50, 18 January 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Hartman 2019 (Created page with "Hartman, Saidiya. ''Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Riotous Black Girls, Troublesome Women, and Queer Radicals.'' Norton, 2019. == A Note on Method == Page xiv · Location 48 I have crafted a counter-narrative liberated from the judgment and classification that subjected young black women to surveillance, arrest, punishment, and confinement, and offer an account that attends to beautiful experiments—to make living an art—undertaken by t...")
- 16:58, 18 January 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Kaun and Stiernstedt 2023 (Created page with "Kaun and Stierstedt, ''Prison Media'' (2023) == 1. Introduction: Why Prison Media Matter == … and the Infrastructures of Work and Technology, our foundational bolt, is prison media, a term that captures both media that are produced in and for the prison and the prison as a medium. Media are here understood in terms of their material properties, as 1 infrastructures and artifacts as well as practices rather than content or forms of representation (Williams, 1974; Co...")
- 14:55, 17 January 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Hämäläinen 2022 (Created page with "Hämäläinen, Pekka. ''Indigenous Continent: The Epic Contest for North America.'' Norton, 2022. == Introduction: The Myth of Colonial America == Page ix · Location 106 Indians are doomed; Europeans are destined to take over the continent; history itself is a linear process that moves irreversibly toward Indigenous destruction. Page ix · Location 108 Indigenous Continent tells a different story. It offers a new account of American history by challenging the no...")
- 14:42, 17 January 2024 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Jones 1975 (Created page with "Part I Page 7 · Location 92 “My great-grandmama told my grandmama the part she lived through that my grandmama didn’t live through and my grandmama told my mama what they both lived through and my mama told me what they all lived through and we were suppose to pass it down like that from generation to generation so we’d never forget. Even though they’d burned everything to play like it didn’t never happen. Yeah, and where’s the next generation?” Page 7...")
- 17:35, 30 November 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Briet 1951 (Created page with "Briet, Suzanne. What is Documentation? Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2006. == Preface == founder of European Documentation, Paul Otlet (1868-1944) -- "emphasis on the book as the trope and cornerstone for documentation" second generation, Suzanne Briet, "What is Documentation" -- "offers a vision beyond that of libraries and books, seeing in documentation an unlimited horizon of physical forms and aesthetic formats for documents and an unlimited horizon of techniques...")
- 18:47, 11 September 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Senchyne 2020 (Created page with "Senchyne, Jonathan. ''The Intimacy of Paper in Early and Nineteenth-Century American Literature.'' Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2020. == Introduction == Once it functions as a substrate carrying inscriptions, paper is meant to be self-effacing because it is supposedly secondary to meaning-making processes. Page 1 Even among the early twentieth-century founding figures of the academic discipline of bibliography—those scholars who we might expect t...")
- 20:21, 10 August 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Hindman and Rowe 2001 (Created page with "Hindman, Sandra and Nina Rowe, eds. ''Manuscript Illumination in the Modern Age: Recovery and Reconstruction.'' Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art, 2001. == Reproductions: Transmission of Manuscript ILlumination in the Nineteenth Century (103-175) == Hindman, “Reproductions” By 18c, references to drawings being copied “per factor simile,” to make an exact likeness (106) Jonathan Alexander distinguishes between historicist facsimiles and copies from model book...")
- 20:16, 10 August 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Treharne 2021 (Created page with "Treharne, Elaine. ''Perceptions of Medieval Manuscripts: The Phenomenal Book.'' Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. == Cut by the Knife: Libricide and the Modern Book Trade == I blogged about this manuscript and it was picked up by various online news-sites, including the New Yorker online. _e journalists spoke to Chidsanucha Walter’s representative, _omas Walter, in Leipzig. He declared their activity to be philanthropic and altruistic, commenting that, because o...")
- 14:28, 7 August 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Baird 1967 (Created page with "Baird, Russell N. ''The Penal Press.'' Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1967. "The penal press is an anomaly; authoritarian rule and the printing press historically have been incompatiblee. And the very confinement of men to prison is, in its essence, a denail of their liberty." (10) "More than half (53.7 per cent) of thee correctional institutions in the United Statees have inmate publications." -- monre than 1/3 of instutitions of under 500 inmates have a...")
- 17:03, 2 June 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Hsu 2022 (Created page with "Hsu, Hua. ''Stay True: A Memoir.'' Doubleday, 2022. [When my father…] Highlight(yellow) - Page 28 · Location 387 Maybe those were the last days when something could be truly obscure. Not in the basic sense that a style or song might be esoteric. But there was a precariousness to out-of-the-way knowledge, a sense that a misfiled book or forgotten magazine could easily be lost forever. Learning about something a few minutes before everyone else converted to a kind of...")
- 17:00, 2 June 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Blum 2012 (Created page with "Blum, Andrew. ''Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet.'' Ecco, 2012. Prologue Highlight(yellow) - Page 8 · Location 131 To stitch together two halves of a broken world—to put the physical and the virtual back in the same place—I’ve stopped looking at web “sites” and “addresses” and instead sought out real sites and addresses, and the humming machines they house. Highlight(yellow) - Page 9 · Location 144 For all the breathless talk of the sup...")
- 16:57, 2 June 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Hong 2020 (Created page with "Hong, Cathy Park. ''Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning.'' New York: On World, 2020. United Highlight(yellow) - Page 7 · Location 124 To recite my poems to an audience is to be slapped awake by my limitations. I confront the infinite chasm between the audience’s conception of Poet and the underwhelming evidence of me as that poet. I just don’t look the part. Asians lack presence. Asians take up apologetic space. We don’t even have enough presence to be...")
- 18:36, 13 April 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page O'Neil 2016 (Created page with "O'Neil, Cathy. ''Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy.'' Crown, 2016. Introduction Page 3 · Location 136 By 2010 or so, mathematics was asserting itself as never before in human affairs, and the public largely welcomed it. Page 7 · Location 205 In WMDs, many poisonous assumptions are camouflaged by math and go largely untested and unquestioned. Page 8 · Location 209 The privileged, we’ll see time and again, are p...")
- 18:31, 13 April 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Bouk 2022 (Created page with "Bouk, Dan. ''Democracy's Data: The Hidden Stories in the U.S. Census.'' MCD, 2022. 0. Stories in the Data Page 3 · Location 68 To find the stories in the data, we must widen our lens to take in not only the numbers but also the processes that generated those numbers. Page 10 · Location 196 We too easily forget that counting “the people” required first defining who “the people” were and what mattered about each person. Page 10 · Location 197 We have forgotten...")
- 00:44, 14 March 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Alexander 2010 (Created page with "Alexander, Michelle. ''The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.'' New York: New Press, 2010. == Introduction == Quite belatedly, I came to see that mass incarceration in the United States had, in fact, emerged as a stunningly comprehensive and well-disguised system of racialized social control that functions in a manner strikingly similar to Jim Crow. Page 5 The CIA admitted in 1998 that guerrilla armies it actively supported in Nicaragua w...")
- 17:56, 28 February 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page African/Black figures in books (Created page with "Several in Venetian incunables: * Pius II., Papst: Pii. II. Pontificis Maximi. Historia Rervm Vbiqve Gestarvm Locorvmqve Descriptione Non Finita Asia Minor Incipit, at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: * Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Christophori Landini Florentini In Q. Oratii Flacci Carmina Interpretationes Incipivnt Foeliciter, at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek:")
- 00:15, 28 January 2023 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Rubin 2021 (Created page with "Rubin, Ashley T. ''The Deviant Prison: Philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary and the Origins of America's Modern Penal System, 1829-1913.'' New York: Cambridge UP, 2021. When the modern prison first emerged in the early nineteenth century, the question of how such facilities should be designed, organized, and managed – tellingly referred to as “prison discipline” – was of paramount importance. xxiii Under the Auburn System, prisoners worked in large factor...")
- 12:10, 30 November 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Nordenfalk 1976 (Created page with "Nordenfalk, Carl. ''Color of the Middle Ages: A Survey of Book Illumination Based on Color Facsimiles of Medieval Manuscripts.'' Pittsburgh: University Art Gallery, 1976. Early, “handmade facsimiles” * Codex grandior; Cassiodorus ordered to be written and illuminated for his monastery at Vivarium; Biscop’s successor Ceolfrid used it as a model for 3 copies, took them back as gift to the pope; only Codex Amiantus survives * Utrecht psalter shoe “the Carolingian...")
- 19:48, 29 November 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page McLean 1972 (Created page with "McLean, Ruari. ''Victorian Book Design and Colour Printing.'' Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. “Mechanical composition, and the many new faces introduced by the Linotype and Monotype companies, did not really begin to affect book design until the 1920s.” (3) “In 1837 the media of book illustration were, as they had been for nearly 400 years, the wood block and the copper plate, and since about 1800 steel had been used as a harder alternative to cop...")
- 21:10, 19 November 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Lithography (Created page with "Twyman 2001 * Covers the basics of lithography's development and spread * Discusses genres where lithography was successful and why * Final discussion of how lithography defies traditional bibliography and could be understood as presaging designing documents with computers")
- 20:37, 19 November 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Twyman 2001 (Created page with "Twyman, Michael. ''Breaking the Mould : The First Hundred Years of Lithography.'' London: British Library, 2001. “the feature of lithography that was most commonly remarked upon in the earliest accounts of the process: that lithographs are not reproductions but multiplied originals” (5-6) — footnote goes to Henry Banker’ treatise, Lithography, or, the art of making drawings on stone, for the purpose of being multiplied by printing (1813) “lithography made i...")
- 00:52, 11 November 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Marino 2020 (Created page with "Mark Marino, ''Critical Codes Studies'' (MIT Press, 2020) == introduction == In 2009, leaked emails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of England’s Univer- sity of East Anglia seemed to hand a smoking gun to climate change deniers, proof positive that climate change is a fabrication. These emails included code used to model climate change, and the comments in that code seemed to indicate a manipulation of the… Page 1 …this code was not written as the final w...")
- 17:57, 10 November 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Soon and Cox 2020 (Created page with "Soon, Winnie and Geoff Cox. ''Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies.'' Open Humanities Press, 2020 …o offer critical reflection upon the practice of coding alone, instead it offers something more messy and at the same time more “useful” we would say: a book about the more complex and deeply entangled set of relations between writing, coding and thinking. Page 15 …etween available literature and the growing in...")
- 17:14, 10 November 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Chun 2021 (Created page with "Chun, Wendy. ''Discriminating Data.'' 2021 == Introduction : how to destroy the world, one solution at a time == Hopeful ignorance is not the s tion but the problem: it perpetuates discrimination and inequality, one solution at a time. The problem is not that giant technology monopolies have disrupted habits, institutions, and norms in order to create new, unforeseen futures. The problem is that, in the name of “creative disrup- tion,” they are amplifying and auto...")
- 00:03, 31 October 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Nakamura et al. 2021 (Created page with "Nakamura, Lisa, Hanah Stiverson, and Kyle Lindsey. ''Racist Zoombombing.'' New York: Routledge, 2021. Introduction We argue that the racism and misogyny that characterizes zoombomb- ing is the same racism and misogyny that the Internet has trafficked in from its origin. Zoombombing differs from more benign kinds of trolling such as DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks be- cause it has intimate ties and critical engagements with the growth of the far-right, the...")
- 21:59, 27 October 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Blackmon 2009 (Created page with "Blackmon, Douglas. ''Slavery by Another Name: The Re-enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II.'' New York: Random House, 2009. “A provocative question: What would be revealed if American corporations were examined through the same sharp lens of historical confrontation as the one then being trained on German corporations that relied on Jewish slave labor during World War II and the Swiss banks that robbed victims of the Holocaust of their fort...")
- 15:24, 27 October 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Manion 2015 (Created page with "Manion, Jen. ''Liberty's Prisoners: Carceral Culture in Early America.'' Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.")
- 18:45, 23 October 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Warren 2022 (Created page with "Warren, Michelle. ''Holy Digital Grail: A Medieval Book on the Internet.'' Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2022.")
- 18:38, 23 October 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Caswell (Created page with "Michelle Caswell, ''Urgent Archives'' (2021) == intro == Many scholars used to think of the time between 1946, when the Luce- Cellar Act imposed a restrictive 100-person-a-year quota on Indian immigration, and 1965, when the US Immigration Act was passed, repealing the quota, as being a kind of dead space for the community, with little cultural and political activity.3 This film is evidence of a largely unknown continuity of South Asian American stories… Page 1 Wha...")
- 18:33, 23 October 2022 Wtrettien talk contribs created page Drabinski 2013 (Created page with "Drabinski, "Queering the Catalog" L ibraries are spaces where language really matters. 2 than US users did: while “Kafirs” is simply descriptive in the US context to US catalogers, it was virulently racist in Zambia ð Gilyard 1999, 3 Þ . 3 The idea that language has meaning only in context, an idea articulated abstractly in fields like philosophy, comparative literature, and anthropology, was made very materially evident: subject headings, often cast by cat...")