White 2011

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White, Micheline, ed. English Women, Religion, and Textual Production, 1500-1625. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011.

many gynocritical studies read religious women's writing as secular; "as a result, scholars viewed many female-authored religious works as marginal or depressingly acquiescent, and those that did not appear to resis gender norms were largely overlooked" (2)

"In considering this significant critical reorientation, we might note that new interpretive paradigms emerged as scholars began acknowledging the central (rather than marginal) place of religious writing in Renaissance England; began reading women's religious texts as religious texts; and began positioning them in relation to a range of religio-cultural developments rather than solely in elation to early modern gender norms." (2)
"we must be wary of rigidly classifying female writers as 'puritan,' 'conformist,' 'Protestant,' or 'Catholic' and devote more attention to the ways in which they forged their own views." (5)
"To date, most scholarship has focused on how Protestant women responded to vernacular Bible reading, unmediated salvation, iconoclasm, print culure, prayer, marriage, husehold religious, monasticism, etc. By contrast, pre- and early Reformation women's activities and post-Reformation Catholic women's responses to these religious and literary changes have gone largely unexamined." (5)
"The second goal of this collection is to insist on the importance of intertextual prose genres such as prayers, meditations, compilations, and translations. ... The importance of prayer in this period is undeniable: monastics and the laity prayed throughout the day, prayer was the subject of heated theological debate, and prayers were a popular literary genre." (6)

at least 14 women credited with producing a major religious translation between 1500-1625

Felch's article makes "the important point that while Catholic primers include biblical Pslms printed in their entirety, Protestant prayer books feature pieces that may sound like direct quotations from the Bible, but are in fact creative compositions that encode considerable authorial agency." (12)