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"the mission of the Sampler Archive Project is to create an online searchable database of information and images for all known American samplers and related girlhood embroideries." http://samplerarchive.org/
"The project focuses on women’s clothing and accessories worn in America from 1770 to 1930." http://historicdress.org/

Texts and Textiles conference

Common Threads, cloth books: http://www.booklyn.org/artists/Candace%20Hicks,%20Austin,%20Texas.php

Joy Boutrup,'Multiple-strand bookmarkers and other book-connected textiles', in: Care and conservation of manuscripts 13 (2012), 327-340.

Heather Wolfe, on filing with strings: http://collation.folger.edu/2013/03/filing-seventeenth-century-style/

see Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet, page 21:

"I make landscapes out of what I feel. I make holidays of my sensations. I can easily understand women who embroider out of sorrow or who crochet because life exists. My elderly aunt would play solitaire throughout the endless evening. These confessions of what I feel are my solitaire. I don't interpret them like those who read cards to tell the future. I don't probe them, because in solitaire the cards don't have any special significance. I unwind myself like a multicolored skein, or I make string figures of myself, like those woven on spread fingers and passed from child to child. I take care only that my thumb not miss its loop. Then I turn over my hand and the figure changes. And I start over.
"To live is to crochet according to a pattern that we were given. But while doing it the mind is at liberty, and all enchanted princes can stroll in their parks between one and another plunge of the hooked ivory needle. Needlework of things .... Intervals ... Nothing.... "

Mary Lamb, "On Needle-work" -- "In December 1814 Mary wrote an article entitled "On Needle-work", published in the New British Lady's Magazine the following year under the pseudonym Sempronia.[26] The article argued that sewing should be made a recognized profession in order to give independence to women whose only skill and way of making a living was sewing, which at the time was something they were mostly obliged to do as part of their household duties."

"Sept. 10th, my dream of being naked, and my skyn all overwrowght with work like some kinde of tuft mockado, with crosses blew and red; and on my left arme, abowt the arme, in a wreath, this word I red" -- 1579, John Dee's diary http://www.gutenberg.org/files/19553/19553-h/19553-h.htm


Manuscript at British Library, Sloane MS 2740 -- charming little incomplete book with instructions on how to do various embroidery motifs; most of it is how to do letters for a sampler; various symbols/codes are employed; other instructions show how to make different types of purse strings, a flower, different knots, "ye Katheren wheele," "the Cheuerne," etc.; front page has some ownership marks by "Sarah" something [Rebecour?]; "Directions of / The way of working Samples as / Letters at School"

Jane Schneider, "The Anthropology of Cloth," American Review of Anthropology 16 (1987), 419.

Captain Cook's fabric book -- book of fabric samples: http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/an-atlas-in-cloth-captain-cooks-rarely-seen-fabric-book

Faig Ahmed, makes traditional carpets with glitch patterns: http://faigahmed.com/

many female Russian Constructivist designes (Popova, Stepanova) also made textile patterns/designs for the state; Sophie Tauber also worked with textiles and co-authored Design and Textile Arts with Blanche Gauchet

Sonia Delaunay's textiles and work in fashion; "simultaneous design"; "dress-poetry," incorporating poems by Tristan Tzara and Philippe Soupault into her fabrics

"Talbot, the progenitor of the modern photograph, was also tied to early computing. He was a friend of Charles Babbage’s, whose Difference Machine is often described as the world’s first mechanical computer. Talbot made photos of machine-made lace and sent them to Babbage. Babbage, Batchen reports, exhibited some of Talbot’s prints in his drawing room, in the vicinity of his Difference Engine, making it likely that early computing and early photography were experienced together in his drawing room (107)." -- from Matt Gold, "Facts, Patterns, Methods, Meaning: Public Knowledge Building in the Digital Humanities"; http://blog.mkgold.net/2015/04/20/facts-patterns-methods-meaning-public-knowledge-building-in-the-digital-humanities/; citing Batchen, Gregory. “A Philosophical Window.” History of Photography 26.2 (2002): 100-112. Print.

Dada skit -- "Contest between the sewing machine and a typewriter." -- "There was a race between a girl at a sewing machine and a girl at a typewriter. Grosz fired a starter’s gun. The girls began sewing and typing at top speed. The sewing machine operator was pronounced the winner. She received a set of false whiskers, and went off the stage, proudly wearing them. There was no applause." -- see Biro 2009, pg 50

Hannah Höch, embroidery patterns as background on early collages; her essay "On Embroidery"

Book of slips!: http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/2015/09/viridarium-novum.html

Margaret Swain, on that embroidered devotional at MFA in Boston; contact MFA to get more info: http://www.mfa.org/collections/object/embroidered-book-116839

bibliography of work on early modern needlework, tapestries: http://www.fashioningtheearlymodern.ac.uk/resources/bibliography/tapestry/

Alexander Shaw, 18th-century catalogue of tapas cloth containing letterpress-printed pages, followed by cloth samples: https://universityofglasgowlibrary.wordpress.com/2015/11/26/alexander-shaws-curious-cloth-catalogue/

early modern pattern book, black print with white areas as pattern: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&res_id=xri:eebo&rft_id=xri:eebo:citation:99857350

silk flap in medieval manuscript to protect illumination: https://twitter.com/ericweiskott/status/881188272504020992

Sewing instruction books with samples




Helena Wintour, daughter of one of the Gunpowder Plotters, embroidered lavish vestments for Jesuits in early 1mid7: see PLOTS AND SPANGLES, The Embroidered Vestments of Helena Wintour