SAA 2015

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"Shakespeare and the Book" seminar

exceptions -- how to read them?

"ENTAILMENT" -- Michael Witmore and Jonathan Hope on genre; genre "entails" certain pronouns

Nehemas, "Writer Text Work Author" -- alternative to Foucault's "What is an Author?"

Puttenham on parentheses

"Shakespeare and the Cut" plenary

Bruce Smith, "Rethinking the Cut in an Age of Distraction

  • fetishizing cuts today
  • omissions only became 'cuts' in 1670s; 18c 'cut' becomes established term, perhaps because of editions
  • film gave the term new currency
  • need a phenomenology of cutting: perception, materials/technology, aesthetics
  • Smock Alley promptbooks, late 17c, Dublin; G. Blakemore Evans argument about them
  • cutwork in construction of Shx mss
  • "seamed" -- Cavendish uses this term as a metaphor for writing plays
  • importance of cutwork in costumes
  • Burroughs -- Shakespeare cut-ups; Los Angeles Museum of Art (most cuts have already been processed/typed up)

Thomas Cartelli

  • difference-making engine of cutting
  • not adaptation but displacement; projective, not retrospective
  • "On Algorithmic Theatre"

"The Way We Think Now: Shakespearean Studies in the Digital Turn" panel

Ellen MacKay

  • using Frances Yates, thinking about Camillo's theatre of memory as proto-digital knowledge structure
  • Camillo -- sense of loss; attempting to recapture fluency of thought; Camillo prefigures virtual sense of the past -- digital virtualizations/visualizations can do the same
  • "simulation of a sense of the past"
  • frequent failure of digital media to achieve epiphanic fluency of thought -- resurgence of Camillo
  • artificial memory performs the gaps in the original
  • glitchiness -- "almost but not quite being there" of theatre history
  • Rothko restoration through projection:

Christopher Warren

  • Six Degrees of Francis Bacon:
  • Jacob Moreno -- sociogram; history of social network visualizations
  • "intellectual history of thinking the relation"
  • Arendt -- study of human condition is also a study of social networks that produce that condition
  • Hope and Witmore -- "buckets"; more fluid categories of relationality
  • what relations do we want to count, categorize, compare?
  • John Wilkins -- language through relations

Jentery Sayers

"Form, Complexity, and Computation" seminar

"how do we operationalize certain effects?" -- how to turn back from corpus-wide perspectives back to specific moments

Augmented Criticism Lab:

computer as "unsupervised system"

Early Modern Print: Text Mining Early Printed English:

Carl Stahmer -- feature point extraction in image matching in EBBA; actually using text matching from extracting feature points when you search -- automatically extracted info from feature points and keywords added by users; essentially turning images into text

Mike Witmore -- thought experiment: MRI brain scan while reading a play; can it show it's a comedy? better than a computer analysis?