Marshall 2012

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Marshall, Gail, ed. Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

"Women and Shakespeare," by Georgianna Ziegler (205-228)

Martha Sharpe, neighbor of Elizabeth Gaskell, writes that she promised her daughter Molly "'to read a few of Shakespeare's historical Plays with her, in an Evening, when ... we are quite alone, as a great Treat'" (qtd 206)

female mill workers in 1840s met at 5 o'clock in the morning to read Shakespeare together for an hour before going to work

Queen Victoria enjoyed readings by the actress Helena Faucit

on 206, mentions several books that value reading aloud as a family pastime

Rosa Baughan, 1863 edition "Abridge and Revised for the Use of Girls" (209)

Lewis Carroll writes to mother of Marion Richards that he has "a dream of Bowdlerising Bowdler", wants to edit Shakespeare for girls (209)

anthologies of quotations, like Beauties of Shakespeare (1759); extracts from Shakespeare

Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey reads these quotations and stores them in her memory

birthday books and almanacs that parsed out qutoations from the Bard

Shakespeare evenings or "family festa" where the plays would be read in character (213)

Fanny Kemble would give readings; "using an edition of Shakespeare that had been cut by her father, Charles Kemble, for his readings" (213)

women's clubs

Anna Jameson, Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical (1832), musing on the female characters in Shakepseare

Mary Cowden Clarke; in Girlhood volumes, used heroines to create a space to talk about women's issues, like postpartum depression and child neglects