Langland, Piers Plowman (C-text)
thinking about version of the Church that emerges from Piers Plowman in secondary literature, Wycliffism has status -- stand-in for modern liberalism; brings modern scholars closer to what they wished medieval people believed
observing dis/continuities with Langland's own theology
interested in listening to versions of Wycliff that get spread outside of Oxford
some critics think about Langland as uneducated, as a "clever grammar school boy" -- but he engages with 14th century theology very seriously
question of the Reformation -- how does Langland fit into Eamon's version of the Middle Ages? what does this say about Duffy's construction of the late medieval Church?
restless poem; seems opaque, but great deal of dialectical control
"I've become a problem to myself" -- famous lines from the Confessions
models of the Middle Ages as static and hierarchical; this prologue doesn't know them
"Conscience in the Middle Ages" -- is Piers Plowman's "Conscience" Thomistic?
Andrew Galloway, commentary on Piers Plowman
allegorical figures -- high stylistic of Kynde Wit clashes with final lines, full of ordinary life
"fragmentation of the forms of inquiry"; Will is given maps for finding his way -- give the possibility of a unified inquiry; how do we go on if the ground we're put on doesn't match the maps we're given?
when reason can't control us, we have anarchy; we *need* the cat -- all the forces of reform swallowed up in image of human beings who have become mice and rats
put him to pride -- put him to the plow -- concretized images
friars: mobile figures; answerable to papacy, not bishops
Will, dressed as a sheep -- falls asleep
- sees tower of Truth to the east, valley of Death to the West, field full of folk between
- Conscience comes to accuse them (Pr.95)
- Kynde Wit speaks to the king and commons (Pr.147)
- Conscience speaks to the clergy and king (Pr.151)
- Conscience and king go to court
- crowd of rats come to hold council about cat (Pr.165)
- rat of renown suggests putting a bell around the cat's neck (Pr.176)
- crowd of rats applaud his plan (Pr.190)
- mouse steps forward, suggests one cat or another will always bother them; better to suffer in silence; rats could never rule themselves (Pr.196)
- dreamer doesn't know how to interpret this vision; goes on to see diverse people
- Holy Church indicates people, says the only heaven they think of is here (I.5)
- dreamer asks what it means (I.11)
- Holy Church discusses tower of Truth (I.12)
- dreamer asks to whom the world's treasure belongs (I.41)
- Holy Church answers "Reddite Cesari" (I.44)
- dreamer asks what the deep, dark dale means (I.55)
- Holy Church answer it's the Castle of Care; evil lives there (I.57)
- dreamer asks who she is (I.71)
- Holy Church says I am Holy Church (I.72)
- dreamer falls to knees, begs grace
- dreamer asks how to save his soul (I.80)
- Holy Church answers when all treasures have been tested, truth is the best (I.81)
- dreamer asks why devil wants to be on the north, instead of the east (I.I.112)
- Holy Church answers hell is wherever the devil is (I.114)
- dreamer asks for "kynde knowying" (I.137)
- Holy Church says he's a dummy, didn't learn enough Latin; discusses "kind knowynge" (I.139)
- Holy Church starts to leave
- dreams kneels before her, begs for grace (II.1)
- dreamer begs her to stay (II.1)
- Holy Church indicates Falsehood and Favel to the left (II.5)
- dreamer looks to the left; sees Meed
- dreamer asks Holy Church who this is (II.18)
- Holy Church answers it's Meed, describes Meed's Marriage (II.19)
- Holy Church leaves (II.53)
- dreamer sees Meed's marriage (II.54)
- Liar leaps forth
- Liar says Guile gave a charter to False and Meed (II.69)
- Civil and Simony look over charter (II.72)
- Simony says Meed is married more for her riches than her high birth (II.75)
- Wrong steps forward as witness (II.109)
- several craftsman, a beadle and a pardoner step forth, seal the deed (II.110)
- Theology gets angry (II.116)
- Theology says to Simony that Meed is legitimate, the daughter of Amends and Favel; warns about wedding (II.117)
- Civil agrees (II.155)
- Simony doesn't agree (II.155)
- Favel comes with florins, orders Guile to give out the gold (II.157)
- everyone thanks Favel, pledge to help him marry Meed to False (II.162)
- Favel and False are pleased
- everyone goes to Westminster; allegories ride reeves and jurors (II.173)
- Civil says he and Simony will ride adulterous rich men (II.183)
- Truthful sees them riding, says nothing; passes them to go to king's court and warn Conscience (II.200)
- Conscience tells the king he wants to catch False and Favel and Liar (II.204)
- Conscience commands constable to arrest False, behead Guile, bring Meed in (II.211)
- Dread hears, goes to tell False he'd better flee (II.217)
- False flees to friars (II.220)
- Guile flees for his life; merchants meet him and take him in (II.221)
- Liar leaps away; pardoners take him in (II.225)
- Simony and Civil went to Rome to appeal to pope (II.243)
- Conscience accuses them to the king (II.245)
- Conscience says Holy Church may be damaged beyond repair if nothing is done (II.246)
- all flee except Meed (II.250)
- Meed brough before King (III.2)
- King tells clerk to look after Meed, that he'll examine her (III.5)
- Clerk brings Meed to chamber (III.9)
- mirth and minstrelsy amuse Meed (III.12)
- judges try to appear Meed not to be sad, they'll help (III.17)
- Meed thanks them, offers them gifts (III.21)
- clerics comfort Meed (III.25)
- Meed promises them rewards (III.30)
- confessor offers to absolve her (III.38)
- Meed kneels before him, confessees (III.45)
- confessor absolves her (III.50)
- confessor tells her they'll have her name engraved on a window (III.51)
- Meed replies (III.55)
prophetic voice breaks through, warns against such kinds of meed; direct address (III.68)
- King calls for Meed (III.127)
- King chastises Meed, asks her if she'll have Conscience as a husband (II.133)
- Meed responds that she will (III.147)
- Conscience is called; kneels (III.149)
- King asks Conscience if he'll marry Meed (III.153)
- Conscience says no (III.155)
- Meed asks to speak in her defense (III.215)
- King grants her wish (III.218)
- Meed speaks in defense of the reward system (III.220)
- King says to Conscience that Meed has made her point well (III.283)
- Conscience refuses; uses grammatical metaphor (III.285)
- King says to Conscience he doesn't understand the metaphor (III.340)
- Conscience explains (III.243)
- Meed is angry (III.483)
- Conscience retorts that she's misunderstanding (III.491)
- King asks them to stop arguing, kiss (IV.1)
- Conscience refuses (IV.4)
- King tells Conscience to fetch Reason (IV.6)
- Conscience agrees (IV.13)
- Conscience rides to Reason (IV.14)
- Conscience tells Reason what's going on (IV.14)
- Reason agrees to come (IV.16)
- Reason calls Cato and Tom True-tongue to sattle up (IV.17)
- Conscience and Reason leave together (IV.24)
- Wily-fellow and Clever-man, &c., follow them (IV.27)
- Conscience warns Reason against them (IV.33)
- Conscience and Reason ride on (IV.40)
- King greats Reason (IV.42)
- Peace comes with petition to parliament about how Wrong had wronged him (IV.45)
- Peace explains Wrong's wrongs (IV.49)
- King knows it's true because of Conscience (IV.64)
- Wrong is afraid (IV.66)
- Wrong tries to explain himself (IV.69)
- Meed notices Wrong (IV.71)
- Peace shows his bloody skull from Wrong (IV.74)
- Peace explains he didn't deserve this wound (IV.75)
- Wisdom and Wit try to overcome the King with Meed (IV.78)
- King throws Wrong in irons (IV.81)
- someone wise says this isn't right (Iv. 83)
- Wit agrees (IV.88)
- Meed begs mercy, gives Peace gold (IV.90)
- Meed vouches Wrong will never do it again (IV.92)
- Peace asks the king to have mercy on Wrong, since Wisdom has had Meed pay amends (IV.94
- King refuses for Conscience's sake (IV.99)
- some advise Reason to pity Wrong, look to Conscience to counsel the King (IV.105)
- Reason refuses to take pity (IV.108)
- Clerks attempt to translate Reason 's speech (IV.146)
- Meed winks at lawyer, asking them to stop Reason (IV.148)
- just men declare Reason 's truth, see that Meekness overcomes Meed (IV.151)
- Love and Loyalty think little of Meed (IV.156)
- Love and Loyalty tell Conscience and the King no one should marry Meed for money (IV.158)
- Meed mourns, is taken out of chamber (IV.160)
- Sheriff's clerk cries out to Meed (IV.164)
- King calls Conscience and Reason into his council (IV.166)
- King chastise lawyers for losing him revenue (IV.169)
- Conscience speaks to King, encourages commons' help (IV.175)
- Reason agrees (IV.179)
- King asks Reason and Conscience to stay and be his council (IV.183)
- Reason agrees (IV.187)
- King orders Conscience to fire his officers (IV.195)
dreamer awakes (IV.196)
dreamer awakes, clothed like a loller (V.2)
- Reason rebukes him for not using his skills usefully (V.12)
- dreamer says he's too weak (V.22)
- Reason tells him not to waste/beg (V.26)
- dreamer says he's never found a life he likes better than lolling (V.25)
- Conscience says dreamer is wrong in his reasoning (V.89)
- dreamer admits wasting time (V.92)
- Reason advises him to get started on the good life (V.103)
- Conscience backs up reason (V.104)
dreamer goes to church, kneels, tells his sins, falls asleep (V.105)
- dreamer sees Reason preaching as the pop not to waste time (V.114)
- Reason orders people not to be wasteful; enters apocalyptic mode (V.136)
- Reason counsels king to love his people (V.180)
- Reason commands peace as penance and perpetual forgiveness (V.194)
- Repentence runs in (VI.1)
- Will weeps (VI.2)
- Purnel repents (VI.3)
- Repentence orders repentence
- Pride repents
- Repentence ask God to give him grace to amend
- Envy repents (VI.63)
- Repentence says he'll be sorry (VI.91)
- Envy says he is (VI.93)
- Wrath wakes up
- Wrath confesses
- Repentence orders repentence (VI.164)
- Repentence absolves Wrath
- Lechery confesses
- Covetousness comes
- Covetousness confesses
- Repentance asks if he's never repented
- Covetousness says he once stole from someone
- Repentance calls that a lousy restitution; asks if he practiced usuary?
- Covetousness says no, just a little when young
- Repentance asks if he ever lend to a lord for protection
- Covetousness has
- Repentance demands restitution before absolution
- Covetousness confesses more
- Repentance says he's an "unkynde" creature; he can't absolve him until restitution (VI.296)
- Welshman says he'll make restitution
- Robert the Rifler noticed the law of reddite, weeps because he has nothing to make restitution with
- Robert begs forgiveness
- dreamer doesn't know what happened to Robert, but notes his genuine torment
- Repentence says he's heading for heaven if his heart is right (VI.331)
- Glutton goes to confession, stops at bar on the way
- Glutton gets drunk, ends up vomiting (VI.412)
- Glutton's wife and daughter put him to bed
- Glutton confesses to Repentance
- Sloth comes to confess, falls asleep
- Repentance orders him awake
- Sloth confesses
- Repentance asks if he doesn't repent?
- Repentance faints; is awoken
- Repentance recommends repentance to Sloth
- Sloth sits up, corsses himself
- Sloth confesses
prophetic narrative voice on sloth; direct address (VII.70)
- Repentance advises all to kneel
- Repentance prayers for forgiveness (VII.121)
- Hope takes up the horn
- a thousand men throng together, crying for Christ, grace and Truth; but no one knows the way
- pilgrim enters (VII.160)
- folks ask him where he's from
- Pilgrim describes journies
- folks ask where Truth lives
- Pilgrim doesn't know
- Piers Plowman says he knows the way; Conscience and Kynde Wit gave him directions (VII.182)
- folks offer Piers money
- Piers refuses; describes the journey to Truth
- several people don't think they have any kin there
- Piers prods them on with mercy
- one leaves
- one says he has to plow first
- he asks Piers to excuse him to Truth
- Active can't go because his wife is too wiled to be left alone
- Contemplation says he'll follow Piers
- Piers wants to plow the half-acre
- Woman asks what the women should do
- Piers says sew sacks
- Knight asks what he could do
- Piers says keep them safe
- Knight pledge to do so
- Piers asks him not to trouble any tenant unless Truth agrees; don't oppose Conscience or Holy Church
- Knight assents
- Piers dresses as a pilgrim
- Piers says he'll sow, then go on a pilgrimage for pardon
- Piers commands his wife, daughter and son to obedience
- Piers dictates his will (VIII.95)
- Piers and pilgrims begin plowing (VIII.112)
- Piers lets his plow stand, begins to act as overseer
- Others sit down in idleness
- Piers tells them to get up and work
- they tell Piers they can't work, make excuses, pray to him
- Piers calls them false
- Waster gets angry
- Piers complains to the knight
- Knight warns waster to improve
- Waster refuses
- Piers calls on Hunger
- Hunger grabs Waster around the belly
- Piers asks Hunger for mercy on them
- phonies are frightened, take up working
- Piers is proud, puts them to work
- Piers pities them
- Piers tells Hunger to leave (VIII.206)
- Hunger says Wasters must work
- Piers asks if he might be sinless if he does as Hunger wants
- Hunger says yes; shows that everyone must work for their food
- Piers says he'll show this proverb to those who beg and won't work; says his stomach hurts
- Hunger says he's eaten too much; has to work harder
- Piers says he can go now
- Hunger says he won't go away until he's dined and drunk
- Piers says he doesn't have anything to eat
- poor bring Hunger what they have
- Hunger eats it all, asks for more
- poor people give him more, with harvest coming
- Waster refuses to work
prophetic voice, direct address; warns people to get ahead while they can; hope God of his goodness grants us a truce (VIII.343)
- Truth obtains a pardon for Piers and his heirs, tells him to stay home and plow -- he'll pardon whoever does
prophetic voice breaks through to describe who is included in the pardon; merchants (who pray for Piers for bringing them this bull (IX.42); poverty of women; beggars with bags won't be pardoned -- if you have your health, you should work; every now and then voice merges with Piers' voice (IX.37,159-161
- Priest asks Piers if he can read his pardon
- Piers unfolds the pardon, shows last lines of Athanasian Creed
- Priest says the only pardon is Dowel and have well; do evil and have evil, be damned
- Priest and Piers argue about pardon
dreamer awakes
dreamer wanders, "meatless and moneyless" on Malvern Hills; thinks about pardon
dreamer comments on dreams, and Dowel
prophetic voice bursts through at the end, advising rich men to account for their actions
dreamer roams, looking for Dowel; comes upon two friars
- dreamer asks friars where Dowel resides
- friars say he's with the friars
- dreamer disputes
- friars tells story of man in a boat tossed about by sin
- dreamer says he has no kynde wit to understand; says eh'll keep looking
dreamer wander alone in savage wilderness, listens to birds
dreamer falls asleep
- dreamer sees tall man
- dreamer asks him who he is
- Thought responds
- dreamer asks Thought where Dowel is
- Thought says Dowel is true of tong, Dobet preaches, Dobest is a bishop
- dreamer still doesn't understand
- Thought recommends Wit
- Thought and dreamer walk, debating Dowel; come upon Wit
- Thought asks Wit about Dowel, Dobet, Dobest
- Wit responds by describing human nature as a castle (X.127)
- dreamer asks what Kind is
- Wit responds Kind is creator; man with inwit has treasure enough from Truth to provide for himself; speaks on marriage (X.151)
- Wit's wife, Dame study, is angry
- Dame study says Wit shouldn't throw pearls of wisdom to swine
- Wit laughs at Study, tells dreamer to beg for her grace
- dreamer begs for Dame Study's grace, asks about Dowel
- Dame Study refers dreamer to her cousin Clergy
- dreamer asks where Clergy dwells
- Dame Study gives directions; talks about what she knows, but how Theology has troubled her; must ask Clergy
- dreamer leaves
- dreamer comes to Clergy, asks about Dowel
- Clergy says keep the 10 commandments
- Scripture scorns dreamer, tells Clergy to get rid of the dreamer
- Scripture puts dreamer down in Latin
- dreamer weeps for woe and anger
- dreamer falls asleep
- Fortune fetches the dreamer, takes him to the land of longing
- Fortune shows the dreamer the mirror of Middle Earth
- Concupiscencia carnes and covetousness-of-eyes follow fortune
- Concupiscencia carnes tells dreamer to enjoy his youth
- Covetousness-of-eyes agrees, says she'll attend him
- Fortune promises to be dreamer's friend
- Old Age comes
- Old Age warns dreamer not to be seduced
- Recklessness tells dreamer not to mind Old Age; Fortune will follow him;
- Recklessness gives long speech on grace and doctrine of good works, predestination; sounds like prophetic voice at moments
- poet Plato says let God do his will, encourages dreamer to be reckless
- Childishness pulls dreamer forth
- Old Age and Holiness lament dreamer's being pulled away
- Coveousness-of-eyes comforts dreamer, calls him Recklessness
- dreamer does as she says, passes from youth into Old Age
- Fortune leaves dreamer
- friar who promised absolution leaves dreamer
- Loyalty laughs
- dreamer scowls
- Loyalty asks why dreamer scowls
- dreamer says friar flattered him only as long as he had money
- Loyalty says don't blab publicly (poet's role)
- Scripture agrees with Loyalty
- Scripture goes to pulpit, preaches; few understand
- dreamer is vexed by her text debates whether or not he's chosen
- dreamer says everyone must pay for their sins
- Scripture agrees; says no sin keeps mercy from amending
- Trajan the knight says he was saved, even though an unchristian creature
- Recklessness begins long speech on proper forms of poverty, the seeds of faith
- Recklessness's speech continues; merchants (rich men) vs. messengers (mobile beggars); argues with Clergy and scorns Scripture
- Kind comes to help out Clergy, makes him look in mirror of Middle Earth
- dreamer notices natural order, sees Reason in beasts (birds building intricate nests)
- dreamer asks Reason why he's in other beasts, but not men
- Reason says let things be as they are
- dreamer is ashamed
- dreamer awakes
- dreamer says he knows what Dowel is asleep, but never awake
- person asks what Dowel is
- dreamer answers "to see much and suffer all"
- person responds he shouldn't inquire into the universe's mysteries
- dreamer says this person speakes truth; laments arguing with Reason
- person agrees, gets up
- dreamer gets up to follow person, asks who he is
- Imaginatif tells dreamer not to spill speach; grace is a gift of God; says clergy have better instruments for understanding; if dropped in the Thames and one man learned to swim and the other didn't, who will drown? (XIV.1-108)
- dreamer says the one who can't swim
- Imaginatif says yes, it's bad to be ignorant; bird, peacocks like rich men (XIV.110)
- dreamer asks if Saracens or Jew can be saved without baptism
- Imaginatif scowls, says no; just different kind of baptism
- Imaginatif vanishes
dreamer awakes, walks about like beggar thinking on dream
dreamer falls asleep
- Conscience and Clergy come, order dreamer to dine with Reason
- dreamer meets Reason, they walk together
- dreamer and Reason meet a friar; Conscience knows and welcomes him
- Patience comes begging for food; Conscience knows and welcomes him
- everyone sits to dine, master/friar at head, Reason presiding as steward, Patience and dreamer together at side table
- Clergy calls for food
- Scripture serves the diners with dishes of Augustine, Ambrose, etc.
- Master can't eat it, as for moree expensive menu
- Reason proposes Conscience command Scripture to bring bread for Patience
- Scripture sets down food for Patience and dreamer
- Contrition the cook brings another serving
- Conscience, Clergy and Scripture comfort Patience and the dreamer
- Patience is pleased with the service; dreamer mourns because doctor is drinking, eating too much
- dreamer says points out hypocrisy of the doctor
- dreamer lusts after doctor's food
- Patience urges him to leave it alone
- dreamer sits still
- dreamer asks doctor what Dowel is
- doctor says do no harm to your neighbors
- dreamer says he doesn't practice what he preaches
- Conscience makes meaningful look, winks at Patience to get dreamer to be quiet
- Conscience asks doctor what Dowel, Dobet, Dobest is
- doctor says Dowel is to do as doctors teach
- Conscience turns to Clergy, asks about Dowel
- Clergy excuses himself, turns to Piers
- Piers pipes in, says to love one's enemy
- Piers vanishes, Reason runs after him; only Conscience and Clergy left
- Patience counsels patience
- Doctor says this is an old entertainer's line; doesn't work for the real world
- Doctor takes Clergy and Conscience into his council
- Conscience gets rid of the doctor
- Conscience says to Clergy he'd rather have patience than book learning
- Conscience and Patience leave; dreamer follows; they all meet with a minstrel
- Patience asks minstrel who he is
- minstrel responds he's Activa Vita, apprenticed to Piers Plowman
- Conscience asks what kind of minstrelsy
- Activa Vita says he makes men merry; hates idleness; provides for men
- Patience says it's he, not Activa Vita, who provides for men
- Activa asks for food
- Patience gives him a pater noster
- Patience tells Activa to live by Christ's word and he'll never be hungry
- Activa asks what perfect patience is
- Patience responds meeknes and mild speech
- Activa asks if poverty and patience please God more than righteous riches
- Patience says yes; poor deserve heaven as a respite from their suffering, rich got their heaven on earth
- Patience continues tos peak
- Patience prays to God
- Patience says poor are more likely to go to heaven because they're less susceptible to seven deadly sins
- Activa says angrily to patience, what is poverty?
- Patience responds in Latin
- Activa says he can't figure this out
- Patience says this is difficult in English, but tries to translate
- Activa has a leader named Free Will, who knows both Conscience and Clergy
- Free Will says those with land/lordship when he dies will be poorest in power when he parts
- dreamer asks Patience for permission to question Free Will
- Patience grants it, tells him to ask his other name
- dreamer asks Free Will what country he's from
- Free Will responds he's known to many Christians
- dreamer asks Free Will what his service is
- Free Will responds with list of his duties that he does in bodies
- dreamer asks if the body is better than him
- Free Will says no; like wood and fire working together; many different names for him: Anima, Animus, Mens, Memoria, Ratio, Sensus, Sonsciencia, Spiritus
- Will jokes that Free Will is just like a bishop with so many names
- Free Will says he understands, dreamer wants to get to the bottom of them having so many names
- dreamer agrees, says he wants to know all knowledge/crafts naturally in his heart
- Free Will says then he's one of Pride's knights; desire for knowledge is evil; says lettered men must not be hypocrites for unlettered men to follow them
- dreamer asks where charity is; never seen it in London, though it's preached often
- Free Will says charity is childlike, must give like children
- dreamer asks where this child-like believer gets his food/income
- Free Will says he's provided for by Aperis-tu-manum, etc. (SVI.315)
- dreamer asks who this person is
- Free Will says Piers Plowman knows him, tells where Charity can be found
- dreamer says there's no such person who didn't sometimes sin
- Free Will describes men who live off the land as quasi-hunter-gatherers (direct address prophetic voice breaks through at times); degeneration/corruption of humans
- dreamer asks what Holy Church is
- Free Will says Charity is Holy Church; love of God
- dreamer asks if Saracens know what charity is
- Free Will says they may naturally; but they follow the laws of false prophets; direct address of prophetic voice breaks through at times; Wycliffite sections on disendowment and corruption of priests; prioritizes converting Jews and Saracens
- dreamer asks if Free Will can direct him to Charity
- Free Will laughs, leads dreamer to Cor-hominis, a garden of mysteries with a graft named Ymago-dei in the center
- Free Will tells will the tree is True-love, set by the Trinity
- dreamer thanks Free Will; asks about three different props bearing it up
- Free Will says they signify the Trinity, explains how it's kept healthy
- dreamer looks at tree, notices the fruit is fair and of three kinds; asks if it's all the same
- Free Will says yes; fruit is Activa life
- dreamer says there are two lives: Activa Vita and Contemplativa Vita; why is the fruit in three degrees?
- Free Will responds: marriage, widowhood and virginity
- Free Will wants to taste, asks that it's shaken
- Free Will calls Old Age to climb up high and shake it
- Devil grabs fruit before it hits the ground
- tree got angry; Free Will of God seizes middle prop and swings at Fiend
- Filius and Spiritus Sanctus go take devil's apples
- Mary says Jesus is with her, will joust for fallen fruit with devil; Jesus is 40 wks in the womb of Mary
- Free Will taught Jesus to be a physician, to heal the faithful beforeo plentitudo temporis, raise up Lazarus
- Jesus weeps [here launches into New Testament stories; overturning the tables in the temple; Judas;
- Jesus chastises those who don't know him
- Jesus is betrayed by Judas
- dreamer awakes, frantic; looks for Free Will, can't find him
- dreamer meets Abraham on Mid-lent Sunday
- dreamer asks Abraham where he's fromg
- Abraham says he's with faith
- dreamer asks what he means about his coat of arms
- Abraham says three persons in one pennon
- dreamer asks if the separate things have different names
- Abraham says yes, Father, Son and Holy Ghost
- dreamer says it's hard to believe three-in-one
- Faith says don't muse on it much but believe it loyally; explains how it works by analogy with marriage/children
- dreamer asks if Faith has seen all three and one God
- Faith says he say all three as God walk by his gate one summer
- dreamer wonders at his words; notices something he blesses often on his bosom; see s aleper on his lap playing with patriarchs and prophets
- Faith asks what dreamer is looking for
- dreamer wants to know what's in his lap
- Faith shows him
- dreamer exclaims on the price of this present
- Faith says it's precious, but the Devil attacks it; waiting for Christ to return
- dreamer exclaims on sin keeping humanity from second coming
- dreamer weeps; sees another run past, asks where he came from
- Hope/Moses says he has a commandment to rule all realms
- dreamer asks if its sealed
- Hope says no; he seeks him who has the seal, Christ
- dreamer asks to see letters
- Hope gives a hard rock that says "Love God and thy neighbor"
- dreamer sees in gilt pen it written "On these two commandments dependeth the whole law"
- dreamer asks if all Hope's lod's leters are here
- Hope says yes
- Faith says he's being truthful, shows Old Testament people who believed in Old Law
- dreamer is incredulous, asks about trinity and new law
- Samaritan comes riding fast, meets Abraham and Hope in a wild wilderness where theives had bound a man
- Faith sees the man; runs away
- Hope sees the man; backs away
- Samaritan helps the man, takes him to an inn, pays for his care
- Samaritan rides away; Faith and Hope follow after; dreamer pursues
- dreamer tells Samaritan how Faith and Hope were afraid
- Samaritan says Faith and Hope alone can't restore sick men, but the blood of Christ
- dreamer asks about Trinity
- Samaritan says it's true, likens trinity to fist, finger and palm of God; says rich men have a hard time getting into heaven;
- dreamer asks if he dies now and is sorry for his sins, will he be saved?
- Samaritan says yes, if he is true and makes restitution
- Samritan vanishes like wind
dreamer awakes
dreamer wanders like a vagrant
dreamer lays down at Lent, sleeps
- dreamer sees someone like the Samaritan and Piers righting forth
- Faith cries out to him
- dreamer asks Faith what this means, who is coming to joust in Jerusalem?
- Faith say it's Jesus to fetch what the Fiend claims, the fruit of Piers the plowman
- dreamer asks if Piers is in this place
- Faith says Jesus will joust in Piers' armor
- dreamer asks who will joust with Jesus, Jews or scribs/
- Faith says no, the fiend
- Pilate comes; Jews cry out "Crucify!"
- prosecutor comes before Pilate
- prosecutor says Jesus mocked the temple of the Jews
- court officer cries crucify! he practices witchcraft!
- garland of thorns set on jesus' head
- Jesus nailed to cross
- hard rock of earth/temple split, dead men come out of graves
- dead man says no one will know who succeeds, life or death, until sunrise
- thieves on the cross; no one bold enough to touch Christ's body
- Longinus the blind Jew sent to joust with Jesus; pierces his heart; blood opens his eyes
- Longinus cries for mercy
- Faith upbraids false Jews
- dreamer withdraws to hell in fear
- dreamer sees Mercy come from the west, Truth from the east
- Truth asks what is going on
- Mercy says it's a thing of joy
- Truth rejects what Mercy says; says something in hell can never leave, quotes scripture
- Mercy says grace will make a good end and deceive the deceiver
- Truth says she sees Righteousness come running
- Mercy says she sees Peace clothed in patience come from the south
- Peace clothed in patience approaches; Righteousness reverenced Peace in her rich clothing, asks where Peace is going
- Peace says she's going to see many in hell, Adam and Eve and Moses; God gave her and her sister Mercy to mankind to bail them out
- Peace shows a letter patent of the deed
- Righteousness is incredulous
- Peace promises to prove it
- Book comes
- Book bears witness
- Truth tells them to be quiet; sees a spirit requesting the gates be opened
- loud voice in light says to Lucifer to undo the gates
- Satan says to Hell the light will ruin them; asks for chains to bar up gates
- Lucifer says he's too powerful; but hopes that God will allow him his rights
- Satan agrees, but says Lucifer used deceit in getting those souls
- Goblin/Devil says it's true, he used deceit
- Fiend advises they flee
prophetic voice briefly breaks out in digression about liars
- light again commands they unlock hell
- Lucifer ask what lord he is
- voice responds the lord that made all things
- bars of hell break; the trapped souls flee; Lucifer can't look into the light
- Lord tells Lucifer he got them by right and reason, since Lucifer beguiled them; grace wins back what guile stole
- God binds Lucifer in chains
- Peace sings
- Truth calls a truce
- Peace says no one should know they ever quarreled
- Righteousness agrees
- Peace, Truth, Righeousness kiss
- singing, bells
dreamer awakes, tells Kit and his daughter Calote to go reverence God's resurrection
dreamer writes what he's learned; goes to mass for communion
dreamer falls asleep when men went to offering
- dreamer sees Piers painted bloody like Christ
- dreamer asks Conscience if this is christ?
- Conscience says they're Piers' arms and colors, but he who comes so bloody is christ
- dreamer asks why he's called Christ, since Jews call him Jesus?
- Conscience launches in to long speech on the life of Christ
- Conscience counsels dreamer to kneel
- dreamer sees spiritus paraclitus strike Piers and his followers like lightening, letting them know many languages; dreamer is afraid
- Conscience kneels
- Conscience says this is Christ's messanger, orders dreamer to kneel and welcome him
- dreamer kneels and sings for God's Grace
- Grace goes with Piers and counsels him and Conscience to summon the commons
- Grace says he'll divide grace with all kinds of creatures; warns against antichrist becoming pope
- Grace gives each man grace to guide and protect himselves
- Grace recommends they crown Conscience king and make Craft the steward; Piers is made proctor and reeve, provider and plowman on earth to cultivate truth
- Grace give Piers a team of four oxen (Luke, Mark, Matthew and John); then four horses (Augustine, Ambrose, Gregory and Jerome; seeds (the cardinal virtues)
- Piers sows the seeds
- Piers says to harrow natural intelligence
- Grace tells Piers when it's time to harvest, build a house to store it
- Piers asks Grace to give timber and ordain that house before he leaves (XXI.320)
- Grace makes a house
- Piers and Grace go out to sow truth
- Pride comes to injure Conscience and Christians
- Pride threatens to break house of Unity
- Conscience counsels Christians to hold fast in Unity; Grace alone will help them defeat Pride
- Common Sense came, told Conscience to dig a ditch around Unity, so that Holy Church became a fort
- Conscience commands Christians to dig
- Conscience says Pride can't defeat them; giving of Eucharist; Piers has been given pardon for all who Redde quot debes
- Common people are confused; ask if they're being asked to give back all they owe before going to communion?
- Conscience says yes
- brewer refuses
- Conscience says he'll never be saved then
- uneducated vicar points out that many men are lost, then; even the pope is imperfect (Wycliffite)
- lord agrees, says he holds it right and reasonable to take from his reeve
- king agrees, too, says he can rule as he likes
- Conscience agrees, on condition he rules with reason and truth
- vicar takes his leave, has far to travel
dreamer awakes, writes down his dream
dreamer walks, sad and aching at heart; meets Need
- Need calls him a phony, asks why he didn't excuse himself like the king; reproaches dreamer
dreamer falls asleep
- dreamer sees Antichrist come, rules over all people, friars, followers
- Conscience advises fools into Holy Church
- Nature hears Conscience; sends illness; Death strikes down all, both high and low
- Conscience asks Nature to lay off to see if the people will amend
- Fortune begins flattering the few survivrs, sending Lechery
- Covetousness came to destroy people
- Conscience jokes that he wishes Covetousness were Christian, since he's such a good fighter
- Life laughs, has his clothes stylishly slit and says Holiness is a joke, Honesty a waste of time, etc.
- Life says Health and he will teach not to fear Death or Old Age
- Life and his mistress Forgune attract Sloth, who marries Despair
- Conscience warns Old Age, who waves away Deespair and tries to make confession
- Life flees for fear to Physic, asks for relief
- Old Age runs at Life and the Doctor, strikes Doctor dead
- Life sees that surgery nor medicine can stop Old Age
- Life rides to Revel, Old Age chases him; shaves off some of dreamer's head in the pursuit
- dreamer complains about baldness
- Old Age beats up dreamer
- dreamer sees Nature pass by and Death draw near
- dreamer cries to Kind to help him with Old Age, wants vengeance
- Kind tells him to go to Unity, and learn some craft
- dreamer asks Kind what craft is best to learn
- Kind says learn to love, forget everything else
- dreamer says he doesn't know how he'll earn a living
- Kind says he'll never lack if he loves loyally
- dreamer roams through Contrition and Confession till he comes to Unity, where Conscience was constable
- Antichrist, seven sins and priest launch attacks against Unity
- Conscience cries for Clergy's help
- friars come to help but they don't know enough; Conscience gives up on them
- Need tells Conscience says the friars should live like beggars
- Conscience laughs, calls in and comforts friars
- Conscience says to friars he'll help as long as they live according to their rule, get rid of logic and learn to love
- Envy hears; orders friars back to school
dreamer/prophetic voice breaks in to discourse on parish priests
- Envy gives university fellowships to friars
- Hypocrisy launches an assault
- Conscience has Peace bolt the gates; calls in doctor to help those sick or wounded with sin
- people don't like the doctor; ask for Friar Flatterer
- Contrition encourages Conscience to let Friar Flatterer in
- Conscience doesn't want to but assents
- Ffriar gets a letter from a lord giving him a parish, goes to a bishop; knocks on the gate where Conscience is
- Peace begins to unlock the gate
- Friar asks to speak with Contrition
- Peace says he's sick
- Friar says he's a surgeon, can prepare salves
- Peace asks his name
- Friar responds he is Penetrans domos
- Peace tells him to leave
- Courteous-speech tells Peace to open the gates
- Friar enters, greets Conscience
- Conscience welcomes him, asks if he can heal Contrition, who leaves plasters on from Lent to Lent
- Friar thinks this is too long
- Friar tests, offers him plaster for private payment
- Friar asks for silver
- Friar smooth-talks Contrition
- Sloth and Pride see Contrition give up, come to attack Conscience
- Conscience cries for Clergy's help, and asks Contrition to hold the gate
- Peace says he's drowned; Friar has enchanted them with treatments and sleeping potions
- Conscience swears to become a pilgrim searching Piers, who can destroy Pride
- Conscience cries out for Grace
dreamer awakes