Pierazzo 2015

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Pierazzo, Elena. Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories, Models and Methods. Burlington: Ashgate, 2015.

applying communication theory to editorial theory; emphasis on modelling; best framework for the text, rather than best framework because of abstract theoretical underpinnings

"a comprehensive approach to digital scholarly editing from a methodological and theoretical viewpoint is still missing" (1)

"Digital textual scholarship is both over- and under-theorised, in the sense that, while there have been a lot of contributions to the fine points of this or that editorial practice, not many contributions have attempted to analyse the significance that changes introduced by digital scholarship have brought into editorial practices." (1)

Sahle, "page paradigm" has kept us back from exploiting potential of digital medium (3)

"This book intends, therefore, to promote the empowerment of the (digital) editors, a sort of call to arms to become protagonists of digital textual scholarship, setting agendas and goals dictated by research purposes and not by the possibilities offered by the medium." (5)

modelling as "the key methodological structure of digital editing" (5)

Traditional and Emerging Editorial Models (Chapter 1)

various editorial frameworks roughly determined by period and type of witness:

  • stemmatics for medieval/classical texts preserved in medieval manuscripts
  • copy-text theory for Anglo-American early modern print materials
  • genetic criticism for authorial drafts and contemporary authors
"digital editing has ultimately challenged the concept that it is possible to use computers to alleviate mechanical work without questioning it, resulting in a series of innovative editorial practices disguised by traditional labels" (16)

paradigmatic edition: source and output model; can include diplomatic, semi-diplomatic, reading, critical, etc. (27-8) -- could also be called "generous editions"

"instead of fighting against the inevitable losses that such representations entail, it may prove more useful to use the inevitable transformations necessitated by the remediation as a cognitive tool. Simplification is a virtue of models, not a weakness, as it allows seeing more clearly aspects that may be lost in the continuity and complexity of reality." (98)