Adams and Barker 1993

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Adams, Thomas R. and Nicolas Barker. "A New Model for the Study of the Book." A Potencie of Life: Books in Society. Ed. Nicolas Barker. London: British Library, 1993. 5-43.

Martin, Febvre, The coming of the book -- began tradition of "the history of the book"

Eisenstein presented a critique of history with Printing Press -- social revolutions caused by printing press, rather than other way around; Darnton, too, focusing on Enlightenment

the bibliographer is thus "unexpectedly dragged into the limelight by academic historians" (6)

bibliography used to occupy same position as archaeology; but now seems doomed always to be a handmiden to other disciplines

quintessentially interdisciplinary

"The power of books is not just what strikes the eye, but what may be latent, to be disclosed in the future." (9)
  • "latent power is vastly magnified by the multiplicity of copies" (9)