Duguid 2006

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Duguid, Paul. "Limits of Self-Organization: Peer Production and 'Laws of Quality'." First Monday 11.10(October 2006). http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/1405/1323

problems if a Project Gutenberg version of Tristam Shandy

"Tristram Shandy has yet more challenges. For example, one of the most famous pages, as a page, in all literature comes after the death of the vicar, Yorick, when Sterne inserts two black pages into the book as if in mourning. Presenting a page, as a page, in ASCII is undoubtedly difficult. Making it black even more so. But first, in the spirit of Linus’s Law, the bug has to be recognized before it can be classified and fixed. Later in the book when Sterne inserts marbled pages, the editor recognizes this and inserts another editorial interpolation between parentheses to mark their absence (“(two marble plates)”). Here, it may be hard for Gutenberg’s general reader again to recognize that this is not one of Sterne’s own parentheses, footnotes, or editorial asides, but rather a Project Gutenberg editorial intervention."