Winthrop-Young 2012

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Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey. "Kittler's Siren Recursions."

" In order to understand the servers of today, then, the analyst must retrace the iterations of the protocols and procedures back in time to a predetermined reversal point (in Krajewski's case, the mid-18th century), and then, equipped with the knowledge gained from this

movement backwards, turn around and retrace the iterations forward in time to the present. The trick is that tracing the iterations backwards (which in each and every case involves the observation of how servant protocols process themselves) will change the reversal point. In other words, if we step by step trace the history of servers and servants back to the 18th-century, we will arrive at a new description of the latter. This means that our iterations forward to the present will start in a past that is different from the one we had targeted when we set out. The iterative process—Winkler's expanded reproduction—changes the goal. As a result, the present we return to will will also change. And one of the main aspects of this change is a new insight into the structural correlation between past and present serving entities."