Marotti 1986
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Donne and the Conditions of Coterie Verse
- "Beyond the uncertain circulation system involving loose papers, 'quires' of poems and large manuscripts of individual poets' work, two related practices, in particular, throw light on the system of manuscript literary transmission: the keeping of manuscript commonplace books of poetry (or of poetry and prose) and the related, markedly Elizabethan, phenomenon of the published poetical miscellany. The first is a holdover, albeit a socially respected one, from a pre-Gutenberg era, and is a custom that persisted well into the seventeenth century. Standing midway between manuscript-circulated verse and professional publications like The Works of Beniamin Jonson (1616), the second is part of the cultural transformation of the literature of social occasion into the (more aesthetically isolated) literature of a book culture." (5)
- "there is a continuum from, rather than a sharp boundary between, the commonplace-book anthologies and those printed volumes that disseminated coterie literature to a wider readership" (7)
- "Although published miscellanies clearly came into being as products of the information explosion caused by the invention of movable type, they actually presented themselves as a kind of compromise beween two coexistent systems of 'publication,' the circulation of literature in manuscript to restricted audiences and the printing of individual authors' works for different (narrow or wide) readerships." (7-8)
- "We can see from both manuscript and printed evidence that poems, for example, were enclosed in letters, handed to people personally, read orally before select groups, given as gifts at times such as New Year's day, passed to women as complimentary trifles (like Ralegh's poem put into Lady Laiton's pocket), composed at the request of a mistress or at the challenge of a compeitor, written on set themes agreed upon by both authors and audiences, and designed as response or answer poems to other lyrics." (9)
- "Most poems written by gentlemen-amateurs were ocasional in nature, their production and reception strongly involved with their biographical and social contexts. Whatever tis conventional literary features, such verse was attuned to the personal circumstances of the authors and to the social, economic, and political milieus they shared with their chosen audiences. Inevitably, contextual particularity was lost when such work passed to a wider audience both within and beyond the writers' own times." (10)
poems "as a kind of social currency" (12)
- "Despite all this, the texts in manuscript and printed miscellanies lost touch with their original contexts, as the very act of anthologizing dislodged poems from their place in a system of transactions within polite or educated social circles and put them in the more fundamentally 'literary' environment of the handwritten or typographic-volume." (12-13)
- "Authorship and original contexts both disappear in the 'new' text written, in effect, by the compiler. Such literary recontextualization, however, occurs in any formalist or ahistorical literary reading." (13)
in the manuscripts that include Donne's poetry, his poems are "frequently found in the company of that of other poets, many of whom were socially connected with him in some way" (17)
shared styles do not just show Donne's influence but "the sharing of certain styles of communication -- a fact underscored by the games of exchange and answer poetry in which Donne and his friends participated" (19)
- "virtually all of the basic features of Donne's poetic art are related to its coterie character" (19)
- "This negation or absence of discursive meaning is that condition toward which all Donne's writing moves -- not only his poems, but also his prose, especially his Sermons." (22)
- "Donne's dream of communication was one in which the reader or audience or congregation repeated, or mirrored in their responses, the thoughts and feelings of the author who made the text. In the letters, as in the poetry, persona psychological struggles were used as a medium of communication with a sympathetic reader." (22)
- "Donne's poems were products less of the study than of a series of social relationships spread over a number of years.
Donne as an Inns-of-Court Author
Bacon's 1597 Essays "can be looked on a a success manual for Elizabethan gentlemen, particularly for Bacon's Inns-of-Court colleagues" (29)
- "While at Lincoln's INn and during that period before his employment with Sir Thoas Egerton, when he lived as a London gentleman and aspiring courtier, Donne tried his hand at various traditional and revived literary genres, viewing this writing as part of his social life, intending it for an audience of friends and acquaintances whose literary and sociocultural competence resembled his own. He composed epigrams, verse letters, formal satires, love elegies and libertine lyrics, and prose paradoxes -- all genres fostered by the social circumstances of the Inns and that male social group that developed out of this environment into those courtly and professional circles with which Donne was later connected." (35)
- "In this context, Donne expected his audience to have the ltierary and social sophistication enabling them to contribute cocreatively to the dramatic and rhetorical realization of his poetic texts." (58)
- "In his dramatic elegies, as well as in his lyrics, Donne, like Sidney, left much to the imagination, believing that his reader had the social literary, intellectual, an psychological sophistication necessary to fill out, from very few signals, the emotional drama of particular poems, an activity that was an essential preliminary to the perception of their ironies. Although we tend to regard such skills as part of the literary competence of readers generally, they were looked on in the Renaissance as the accomplishments of educated (courtly or satellite-courtly) gentlemen. Donne's chosen audience for his dramatic elegies and lyrics is only one example of a larger cultural phenomenon." (58-9)
- "Difficulty, even magnificently unnecessary difficulty, was a valued commodity in the Inns-of-Court encironment, the opportunity to exercise an intellectual mastery that somewhat compensated for political and social vulnerability." (70)
- "In their self-conscious fusion of genres and modes, their deliberate difficulty and complexity, their wittily problematical character, Donne's lyrics are often 'self-consuming artifacts' -- works that undo their own deceptive lines of development as they become virtual meta-poems, that is lyrics that are about the nature and process of writing certain kinds of verse and about the communicative relationship of poet and reader." (71)
some of Songs and Sonnets appear to have been "art songs" (88)