Men may dream in demonstrations, and cut out an illusory world in the shape of axioms, definitions, and propositions, with a final exclusion of fact signed Q.E.D. No formulas for thinking will save us mortals from mistake in our iimperfect apprehension of the matter to be thought about . . . [and] the unemotional intellect may carry us into a mathematical dreamland where nothing is but what is not." -- George Eliot, Daniel Deronda, quoted in McKenzie 2002; for use with Logic of Sense project?
Milton, Areopagitica; books have "a potencie of life" since "they preserve as in a violl the purest efficacie and extraction of that living intellect which bred them ... a good book is the pretious life0blood of a master-spirit, imbalm'd and treasur'd up on purpose to a life beyond life" (qtd on 23 in McKenzie 1986)
- for use with book-flowers project?