Digital Book History

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how do material texts intersect with this work?

O'Neill 2015

Jenna Townend, “Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Early Modern Networks: The Case of George Herbert and his Imitators,” Literature Compass (2016)

Michael Gavin, “Historical Text Networks: The Sociology of Early English Criticism,” Eighteenth-Century Studies (2016)

Ruth Ahnert, “Protestant Letter Networks in the Reign of Mary I: A Quantitative Approach,” ELH (2015)

Evan Bourke, “Female Involvement, Membership, and Centrality: A Social Network Analysis of the Hartlib Circle,” Literature Compass (2017)

Galloway 2012 for a critique of social network visualizations

Exploring Big Historical Data -- -- includes companion website with visualizations

News Networks in Early Modern Europe

Early Modern Digital Studies book out in 2016

Big Data

Historians Macroscope


Robert Darnton website:

Locked chest of 17c letters: