Paleography (Fall 2012)
Introduction to Early Modern Paleography, Folger Institute / Taught by Heather Wolfe / Fall 2012
letters -- silk floss -- most intimate/personal; finer paper bc of folding; italic hand
paper seal -- letters that are more secure; you can see if they've been intercepted by matching paper seal --> dispatch slit
tuck and seal -- least personal
sew letters shut
Glasgow, online edition of Bess of Hardwick -- sewing holes in her letters --> Portrait of C Huygens
paper not as expensive as often thought
John Spillman, license to make white letter paper at end of c16
Elizabethan/Jacobean period -- paper mostly from France through Dutch traders
Peter Beal, Dictionary of Manuscript Terminology
commonplace book: manuscript set up in advance under different commonplace headings; don't call miscellanies commonplace books
if not organized under headings, either miscellany or anthology (interchangeable terms, though Marotti tries to distinguish them)
Julia Boffey, 15c manuscript -- calls it a "household book"; based on domestic situation
literary commonplace books are very rare; V.a.103 is one
later in 17c, term was being used for non-commonplace books; causes confusion
student commonplace books: Erasmus, Ascham, all recommend keeping one; but perhaps no single surviving Renaissance student commonplace books
heraldic anthologies -- common
album amicorum -- lots in Edgerton manuscripts at British Library
poetic anthology -- queen of the miscellanies
almost all scribes had 2 fonts -- running hand and italic hand
wider formal letters -- engrossing
tilde -- usually for 'm' or 'n'
before 18c, Mr also means "master," not "mister"