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== Second Series of Paradoxes of Surface Effects ==
== Second Series of Paradoxes of Surface Effects ==
moves to a new dualism:
Stoic distinction between bodies and events
* Stoics are trying to reconfigure the field in which things can be thought
broken down into three parts, four paragraphs each
1-4: moves from Platonic dualism to Stoic dualism;
5-8: drawing out implications of Stoic dualism for philosophy
(9-12: echo of that in Lewis Carroll)
=== Paragraphs 1-4===
straight reading of Stoicism
distinction bw bodies (para 1) and events (para 2)
implications for understanding of matter, causality, time
1) materialism:
Stoics claim that all that exist are bodies;
bodies that we see are mixtures of elements;
Deleuze says we can refer to a particular arrangement of bodies (state of affairs)
overall State of Affairs is arrangement of bodies as a whole
2) causality:
when we say body A has causal relationship with body B;
can only talk about causes, not effects;
3) time:
from the point of view of bodies, there is only one present;
from a divine perspective, there is only one present;
time as unwinding of a rope (Cicero) -- Cicero's notion of fate == Deleuze's use of the term Destiny
-- events have different relationship to time
Stoic map of reality;
distinction between existence [BODIES] and subsistence [EVENTS];
ex. Mickey Mouse / centaurs / etc. have different form of Being than real person;
Mickey Mouse has no body;
someone with a body can dress up as Mickey Mouse, but it isn't Mickey Mouse
effects, events don't exist but SUBSIST or INHERE; they're verbs, INFINITIVES
not just INDICATED by verbs, but ARE verbs --
pure verbs, which we don't speak in,
vs. conjugated verbs
series of presents;
only the present exists in time
only the past and future SUBSIST, dividing time simultaneously
event is being cut;
there are bodies involved (person, knife) -- but cutting is event
effects don't happen bw bodies -- you can say a body is cut, but the being cut is not a body
void is not a body, and a sayable is not a body;
Deleuze is primary interested in incorporals that are "sayables"
more summary of points he's made above
=== Paragraphs 5-8 ===
what difference does this make for how philosophy operates?
if causes are only happening in the realm of bodies, you can't have effects in that register;
causes only concern events, and events are not bodies;
freedom --
Stoics preserve freedom in both registers (events and bodies),
in the realm of bodies: thru co-fatedness, con-causality;
in the realm of events: by not assigning causes
in Homeric epics, there is certain fated events, but many paths to that one fate;
Stoics say no, there must be a chain of causes;
this leads to understanding that all things are fatalistically determined
see Cicero, "On fate" --
Chryssipus argues that this kind of fatalism can be remedied by splitting events into simple vs. complex;
complex events are "co-fated":
two things must be fated together for it to happen --
nexus of causalities allows you to act like there's freedom, even though everythign is fated;
[this is different from the Atomists, w/clinamen or "swerve"]
Stoics have category "something", biggest genus , with "bodies" as subspecies
reversing Platonism (see appendix)
important dualism in Plato is not form and image, but form and copy;
for the Stoics, this no longer matters -- Stoics "discovered surface effects" (7),
recovering common sense from Platonism;
the things that Plato wanted to attribute to Ideas all migrate into events in Stoic philosophy;
stripping apart Plato and porting them to a different register
"becoming unlimited"
paradoxes of Stoics, entirely new way of thinking about paradoxes
"Paradox appears as a dismissal of depth, a display of events at the surface, and a deployment of language along this limit." (9)
many critics say these paradoxes are NONSENSE by changing the REFERENT;
Deleuze interested in peculiarity of language in paradox
there are dialectics of events, but not of bodies -- bodies just proliferate in materiality;
there's no pressure on the world to solve this paradox (the way there is in Hegel);
maintains separation between bodies and effects
-- affirmation of the nonrepresentational

== Third Series of the Proposition ==
== Third Series of the Proposition ==

Revision as of 20:19, 30 May 2010

Deleuze, Gilles. Logic of Sense. Trans. by Mark Lester with Charles Stivale. Ed. by Constantin V. Boundas. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1990.

First Series of Paradoxes of Pure Becoming

five paragraphs:

1) introduces peculiarity to paradoxes

  • any phrase of becoming is pointing in two directions at once:

to say that Alice becomes larger is to say that she is becoming smaller than she will be

  • it IS just a verbal game, but a verbal game we can't think around
  • we don't have any capability of thinking of the world OUTSIDE this game
"SENSE" --> wants to connect to a directionality; we talk about things as having "sense" when they point in one direction for comparison or change

-- "Good sense affirms that in all things there is a determinable sense or direction (sens); but paradox is the affirmation of both sense or directions at the same time."

2) connects this to Plato, who helps us see these events of becoming

  • Plato and Socrates as founding a defense of the life of the mind, "philosophy" as a discipline
  • quotes from Philebus and Parmenides, aporetic dialogues (dialogues in which paradoxes presented are not resolved) --> Plato acknowledges problems but doesn't deal with them

3) suggests Plato was aware that strange events of becoming have connection to language

  • paradoxes resist theory of Forms; is there a Form for hotter, colder? verbs? -- hotter is something that an individual JUDGES; how does that match the theory of Forms?
  • see Sophist 235-6
  • see pg 256 in Deleuze
  • perhaps act as two languages; or two dimensions in language in general, only one of which Plato focused on
  • true proportions of the object, but don't correspond to what we see
  • Plato distinguishing betwee true objects and claimants, false reproductions (philosopher vs. sophist)

4) Lewis Carroll helps us see these paradoxes

  • paradox of pure becoming goes in two directions at once;
  • Deleuze wants to call this paradox of infinite identity: identity as sameness, but infinite in that it continues/persists in sameness
  • Sorites paradox: when does a pile of pebbles become a heap? --> a heap is a LINGUISTIC thing, at which language assigns limits;
  • but language also transcends limits "and restores them to the infinite equivalence of an unlimited becoming" (3)
  • "infinite equivalence" -- "hotter" & "colder" are equivalent in some sense, but at the same time cannot be

5) undercuts common sense

  • "infinite identity" vs. "personal identity"
  • infinitives vs. substantives

Second Series of Paradoxes of Surface Effects

moves to a new dualism:

Stoic distinction between bodies and events

  • Stoics are trying to reconfigure the field in which things can be thought

broken down into three parts, four paragraphs each

1-4: moves from Platonic dualism to Stoic dualism; 5-8: drawing out implications of Stoic dualism for philosophy (9-12: echo of that in Lewis Carroll)

Paragraphs 1-4

straight reading of Stoicism


STOICS: distinction bw bodies (para 1) and events (para 2) implications for understanding of matter, causality, time

1) materialism: Stoics claim that all that exist are bodies; bodies that we see are mixtures of elements; Deleuze says we can refer to a particular arrangement of bodies (state of affairs) overall State of Affairs is arrangement of bodies as a whole

2) causality: when we say body A has causal relationship with body B; can only talk about causes, not effects;

3) time: from the point of view of bodies, there is only one present; from a divine perspective, there is only one present; time as unwinding of a rope (Cicero) -- Cicero's notion of fate == Deleuze's use of the term Destiny -- events have different relationship to time

Stoic map of reality;

distinction between existence [BODIES] and subsistence [EVENTS]; ex. Mickey Mouse / centaurs / etc. have different form of Being than real person; Mickey Mouse has no body; someone with a body can dress up as Mickey Mouse, but it isn't Mickey Mouse


effects, events don't exist but SUBSIST or INHERE; they're verbs, INFINITIVES

not just INDICATED by verbs, but ARE verbs -- pure verbs, which we don't speak in, vs. conjugated verbs

series of presents; only the present exists in time only the past and future SUBSIST, dividing time simultaneously


event is being cut; there are bodies involved (person, knife) -- but cutting is event this is INCORPOREAL

effects don't happen bw bodies -- you can say a body is cut, but the being cut is not a body

void is not a body, and a sayable is not a body; Deleuze is primary interested in incorporals that are "sayables"


more summary of points he's made above

Paragraphs 5-8

what difference does this make for how philosophy operates?


if causes are only happening in the realm of bodies, you can't have effects in that register; causes only concern events, and events are not bodies;

freedom -- Stoics preserve freedom in both registers (events and bodies), in the realm of bodies: thru co-fatedness, con-causality; in the realm of events: by not assigning causes

in Homeric epics, there is certain fated events, but many paths to that one fate; Stoics say no, there must be a chain of causes; this leads to understanding that all things are fatalistically determined

see Cicero, "On fate" -- Chryssipus argues that this kind of fatalism can be remedied by splitting events into simple vs. complex; complex events are "co-fated": two things must be fated together for it to happen -- nexus of causalities allows you to act like there's freedom, even though everythign is fated; con-fatality

[this is different from the Atomists, w/clinamen or "swerve"]


Stoics have category "something", biggest genus , with "bodies" as subspecies

reversing Platonism (see appendix)


important dualism in Plato is not form and image, but form and copy;

for the Stoics, this no longer matters -- Stoics "discovered surface effects" (7), recovering common sense from Platonism;

the things that Plato wanted to attribute to Ideas all migrate into events in Stoic philosophy; stripping apart Plato and porting them to a different register


"becoming unlimited"


paradoxes of Stoics, entirely new way of thinking about paradoxes

"Paradox appears as a dismissal of depth, a display of events at the surface, and a deployment of language along this limit." (9)

many critics say these paradoxes are NONSENSE by changing the REFERENT; Deleuze interested in peculiarity of language in paradox

there are dialectics of events, but not of bodies -- bodies just proliferate in materiality; there's no pressure on the world to solve this paradox (the way there is in Hegel); maintains separation between bodies and effects -- affirmation of the nonrepresentational

Third Series of the Proposition

Fourth Series of Dualities

Fifth Series of Sense

Sixth Series on Serialization

Seventh Series of Esoteric Words

Eight Series of Structure

Ninth Series of the Problematic

Tenth Series of the Ideal Game