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* "Contains a set of 76 plates. These are identical with those issued in a small devotional book, bearing the title Vita Paasionis et Mortis Jesu ChrisH Domini noatri Mysteria, Piia Meditaii(mibu9 et Adipiration/Ums exposita per P. Joan$iem Bourgheeium Ma&odieneem i
Societate Jesu, Figuris ceneis expressa per Boetium a Bolsweri (Antwerp, 1622). The plates are numbered in the right-hand bottom comer. No. 1, De Annuntiatione B, Virginis, bears the words Cttm gratia et privilegio. No. 76, Be AeeumpHone D&ipara, which is placed as a
frontispiece before the title, certainly gives ground for the Protestant oritioiBms in Prynne's Canterburies Doome . . . , p. 615, where this particular picture is denounced. See also above, No. 867. The descriptions are in Latin. [F. F.] "

Revision as of 21:58, 20 December 2012

Darlow, T.H. and H.F. Moule. Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London: Bible House, 1903.



  • "Contains a set of 76 plates. These are identical with those issued in a small devotional book, bearing the title Vita Paasionis et Mortis Jesu ChrisH Domini noatri Mysteria, Piia Meditaii(mibu9 et Adipiration/Ums exposita per P. Joan$iem Bourgheeium Ma&odieneem i

Societate Jesu, Figuris ceneis expressa per Boetium a Bolsweri (Antwerp, 1622). The plates are numbered in the right-hand bottom comer. No. 1, De Annuntiatione B, Virginis, bears the words Cttm gratia et privilegio. No. 76, Be AeeumpHone D&ipara, which is placed as a frontispiece before the title, certainly gives ground for the Protestant oritioiBms in Prynne's Canterburies Doome . . . , p. 615, where this particular picture is denounced. See also above, No. 867. The descriptions are in Latin. [F. F.] "