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the Weimar edition of Goethe's posthumous papers served as a textual monument mirroring the physical monument of the Goethe and Schille Archive, completed 1896 (19-20)
the Weimar edition of Goethe's posthumous papers served as a textual monument mirroring the physical monument of the Goethe and Schille Archive, completed 1896 (19-20)

=== ''Wilhelm Meister's Travels'' ===
=== Goethe's ''Wilhelm Meister's Travels'' ===

"landmark of the modern novel," precursor to Joyce's ''Ulysses'' (23)
"landmark of the modern novel," precursor to Joyce's ''Ulysses'' (23)

Revision as of 16:38, 31 May 2010

Piper, Andrew. Dreaming in Books: The Making of the Bibliographic Imagination in the Romantic Age. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Introduction: Bibliographic Subjects

"Hypothesis: All is Leaf." -- J. W. Goethe

books <--> literature

"Learning how to read books and how to want books did not simply occur through the technological, commercial, or legal conditions that made the growing proliferation of books possible. The making of such bibliographic fantasies was also importantly a product of the very narratives and symbolic operations contained within books as well. It was through romantic literature where individuals came to understand themselves." (4)

"bibliographic surplus" at the turn of the 19th century (5)

  • increasing diversity of books and bibliographic formats circulating
  • increasing homogeneity of geography; books translated across multiple sites (6)

using bibliographic imagination of 19c to understand digital present (7)

"A study of how nineteenth-century individuals became wedded to or possessed by their books can broaden our perspective of the nature of 'new media' cultures and historical experiences of 'media transition. It can offer parallels, but also differences, to our current process of adapting to communicative change." (7)

emphasizing continuities between bookish past and digital present; similarities:

  • the notion of a network
  • the status of the "copy"
  • remediating culture data into new forms
  • creativity as intermedial thinking/making (7-8)

these communicative practices "came into being" during the romantic age (8)

"The digital provides us with a critical lens to see the bibliographic with fresh eyes. But my own work is driven by an alternative desire to show us how the history of books, and romantic books in particular, can help us contextualize our understanding of digital or new media today." (8)

book history helps us recover a sense of "social authorship" (9-10); but literature can also tell us much about the history of the book (10)

"Literature makes books as much as books make literature." (11)
"I am interested in exploring how the symbolic movements in texts, whether of speech, things, or people, functioned as interpretations of the bibliographic environments through which such texts circulated. ... I want to ask how such circulatory energy was deployed to interrogate new conditions of communicating in books." (11)

in literary studies, romantic age gave us opposition between technics and aesthetics, encouraging us to forget the materiality of the book -- in fact, focusing on book as object was seen as a mental disorder during the early 19c; yet book history shows upsurge in production of books during this period (12)

  • book was becoming "naturalized" during the 19c (13)
"The work of romantic writers -- both their books and their fictions -- functioned as a key space where the changes to the material conditions of writing and communication that defined the nineteenth century could be rehearsed, interrogated, and ultimately normalized." (13)

romantic books were negotiating local/global, individual/collective; work seen as individualistic, from a single genius author, yet book increasingly produced collectively (15)

intermediality is core to romantic book (16)


the Weimar edition of Goethe's posthumous papers served as a textual monument mirroring the physical monument of the Goethe and Schille Archive, completed 1896 (19-20)

Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's Travels

"landmark of the modern novel," precursor to Joyce's Ulysses (23)

"wild proliferation of genres" and discourses within the novel (23)

book <--> narrative <--> sections <--> objects

"Where Novalis had written down in his notebooks that his task was 'to find a universe in a book,' Goethe's project by contrast relocated this universe across an entire spectrum of printed books and thus redefined the literary work as something material, processual, and spatially dispersed." (24-5)

affirms novelistic tradition and novel's cosmological claims, but adds "mediological dimension" (25); conceives of the book not as a "spiritual fortress" (like the Weimar edition) nor "a totality existing for itself: (Schlegel), but "relational, transformable, and dynamic entities";

  • book and novel were "refigured, in a word, as networks" (25)
"For Goethe, the emerging concern of modern fiction was no longer simply what texts could mean, but how such mobile, evolving, collectively generated webs of writing were to be navigated." (25)

goes through history of publishing advertisements/papers/collections that would make up the Travels; important to see these works as unfolding over time -- we can't retroactively impose unity on the parts that were circulating (26-7)

  • "such practices aimed to reorient the activity of reading itself as far more polyfocal" (27)

Where is the Travels located? (30)

advertisements and excerpts circulated not just as marketing devices, but as a "bibliographic scene against which the Travels would come to understand itself" (30-1)

ambiguous relationship between novel as a whole product and its readers; novel never appeared as "new" work or as a reprinted "classic" (32)

when it was received poorly in 1821, Goethe published another advertisement mentioning those who had praised his novel, and "framed the printed book as containing the capacity for self0correction. It made writing more collective and less singular." (32)

in 1829, Goethe published another advertisement; instead of focusing on the novel's completeness, it emphasized its diffusion, the absences (34)

"Whether it was the novel or the collected edition, Goethe's publishing practices were crucially redefining 'everything' not as a unified codicological identity but instead as a temporally and spatially dispersed process." (35)

"demarcation of the literary work became increasingly problematic" as Goethe's publishing strategies "transgressed and expanded the work's boundaries" (35)

The paper and the arrow

Piper pursues a close re-reading of a moment in the text -- two symbols that pose interpretive difficulty, a piece of paper and an arrow, 38-43

hypertextuality in Goethe (44)

"What the arrow and the map performed was the problematization of precisely this logic of sameness and difference, and they did so by arguing for the importance of the material processes that surrounded the literary work. They located literary work, and thus the 'work' itself, not in some ideal and crucially immaterial space, but instead in the material event of publication -- the circulation, distribution, and reproduction that shaped its reception. They reoriented the reader's gaze to the mobile artifacts of literary life." (45)

Books and bodies

medicalization of body and anatomical turn during the 19th century (46)

relationship between the book and the body (46)

Vsalius's De humani corporis fabrica (1543) shows a turning towards the body; Goethe's drama of the anatomical theater in the Travels reverses this, away from the body and toward the book (46-7)

Wilhelm's professionalization <--> "literary corpus" (47)

in the anatomical theater, "the novel and the book were neither figured as inert corpses (or corpuses) nor as timeless fundaments to secure the walls of the individual or national fortress. Instead, novel and book were refigured as prophetic, radiant, technological compounds." (50)

"post-author, future-oriented, technologized notion of literary work" (52)


collected edition: "one of the most -- if not the most -- durable and effective vehicles for regulating, institutionalizing, and stabilizing the category of literature in an age of too much literature" (54)

  • organized many texts in one space
  • argued for homogeneity of contents (unlike critical edition of miscellany)
  • author as single organizing figure
  • produces "temporal continuity through the reproduction of already extant texts" (54)
"A 'classic' was a work whose identity depended upon a fundamental aspect of reproducibility." (54)

Sanskrit root "sama" -- English "same" -- German "Sammlung" -- fundamental sameness

"The collected edition not only responded to, and in part repaired, the spatial disorganization of the literary and political systems of the nineteenth century, it also addressed the crisis of traditio, the problem of cultural durability in an age of mass-reproduced objects." (55)

different from early modern collected editions by become "part and parcel of literary making" (55)

"what mattered to the collected edition's rise in cultural prominence during the early nineteenth century was precisely the imaginative possibility that something stayed the same and that this sameness was not seen as either illicit or creatively impoverished but juridically and aesthetically legitimate." (56)

taste for repetition and collection (56)

invisible third party mediating the relationship between readers and authors: publishers (56-7)

collected edition:

  • highlighted nascent political aspirations (58)
  • presented image of heroic individuality (author's portrait as frontispiece) (59)
    • author's face -- faciality at heart of capitalism (Deleuze and Guattari) (59)
    • threshold between autobiographization of literature and dehumanization through commodification of the book (59)
  • created genre
    • biographical sketch of author (60)
  • visual uniformity, typographic regularity (61)
    • corresponds with textual integrity (61)

copyright example: Wieland sold copyright of entire collected works to Göschen; Wieland's previous publisher, Weidmann, sued; courts sided with Göschen, since the common good of collecting an author's works overrode publisher's financial gain (63); in becoming part of collected edition, Wieland's work became something new (63)

  • "signaled the way a literary work was crucially understood as a material event as well as an intellectual one" (63)
  • work not separate from but defined by its material location
  • work networked to a larger system of books circulating

novella -- working through "literary novelty", the "newness" of the novella; "Novellistic writing was unheard of, lacked a history, was singular or improbable. It was the literary version fo the news, the genre of geniuses." (65)

yet novella collection was interesed in narrative recycling and reproducibility

-- the novelty of sameness -- (66)

E. T. A. Hoffmann's The Serapion Brothers'


