{sound arguments}







How does one make an argument outside language?

How does noise make meaning?

How might we translate the materiality of sound objects to a digital interface?

What aesthetics do digital media and sound share?

How does remediation transform our experience of soundscapes?

What is the interplay between the space of the screen and an environment of sound?

Can sounds be selected and organized in an argumentative fashion?

What types of rhetoric exist in sounds and their reproductions?

How do sonic indicators, outside of language, do rhetorical work?

How does one make an argument outside language?

How does noise make meaning?

How might we translate the materiality of sound objects to a digital interface?

What aesthetics do digital media and sound share?

How does remediation transform our experience of soundscapes?

What is the interplay between the space of the screen and an environment of sound?

Can sounds be selected and organized in an argumentative fashion?

What types of rhetoric exist in sounds and their reproductions?

How do sonic indicators, outside of language, do rhetorical work?

How might we translate the materiality of sound objects to a digital interface?

Can sounds be selected and organized in an argumentative fashion?

Can sounds be selected and organized in an argumentative fashion?

What types of rhetoric exist in sounds and their reproductions?

How do sonic indicators, outside of language, do rhetorical work?

How does one make an argument outside language?

How does noise make meaning?

What aesthetics do digital media and sound share?

What is the interplay between the space of the screen and an environment of sound?

Can sounds be selected and organized in an argumentative fashion?

How does one make an argument outside language?

Can sounds be selected and organized in an argumentative fashion?

How do sonic indicators, outside of language, do rhetorical work?

What aesthetics do digital media and sound share?

How might we translate the materiality of sound objects to a digital interface?

How does remediation transform our experience of soundscapes?

What is the interplay between the space of the screen and an environment of sound?

We want to argue with sound.