Bourdieu 2002

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two principles of hierarchization in literary field:

  • heteronomous principle (economic dominance)
  • autonomous principle (art for art's sake)

"the field of cultural production is the site of struggles in which what is at stake is the power to impose the dominant definition of the writer and therefore to delimit the population of those entitled to take part in the struggle to define the writer" (78)

"in short, the fundamental stake in literary struggles is the monopoly of literary legitimacy" (78)

in attacking a radical subfield, the dominant artistic interests actually legitimate it (78)

hierarchy of arts; e.g. Debussy chose to make set his music to mediocre texts, so his music wouldn't be eclipsed (??)

drama produces the most money, and therefore is at the top of the hierarchy; poet, no money, at the bottom (81)

three competing principles of legitimacy:

  • specific principle of legitimacy (art for artists)
  • legitimacy corresponding to bourgeois taste
  • popular legitimacy, bestowed by consumers
"in an artistic field which has reached an advanced stage of this history, there is no place for naifs; more precisely, the history is immanent to the functioning of the field, and to meet the objective demands it implies, as a producer but also as a consumer, one has to possess the whole history of the field." (87)