Whitney Trettien
scholar, teacher, maker, historian of media technologies
digital projects
a book about experimental publishing with scissors and paste
an open source platform for building digital editions of material texts
Printing in Prisons
a collaborative digital project discovering the stories of incarcerated printers, writers, and editors
Little Gidding Harmonies
a networked digital edition
Susanna Collet's Commonplace Book
a digital edition
a tour of Edward Benlowes' weirdest book
Digital Sound Studies:
a co-edited volume at the intersection of digital humanities and sound studies
What is a Fragment?
an essay toward a taxonomy of fragments, published in
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
Substrate, Platform, Interface, Format
an essay bridging book history and media studies, published in
Textual Cultures
A Deep History of Electronic Textuality
an essay on print-on-demand historical texts, published in
Digital Humanities Quarterly
What Happened to Edwin Forrest’s Burned First Folio? ?
an essay on the power of cataloguing & the logic of discovery, co-written with Zachary Lesser and published in
Shakespeare Quarterly
A Hornbook for Digital Book History
a talk to the Rare Book School
a creative/critical digital zine
Humphrey Moseley's Social Network
an experiment in social networking
OA Workouts episode
a talk about Cut/Copy/Paste as a digital, open access publication
A Conversation with Lisa Nakamura
at Kelly Writers House
print/digital reflections on opacity and failure, published by punctum books
reading notes